Chapter 12~ Party

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Keith's POV—

It was finally time to head to Shiro's dorm for his party, and Keith still had no clue what he was supposed to wear.

He rummaged through his closet and found a red flannel button up, tied it around his waist and left his room with his normal black t- shirt and skinny jeans. This'll have to do, but it's nothing fancy.

He walked into the living space of their dorm and saw Lance in a red and blue flannel shirt. He glanced at the shirt around his own waist, and back up at Lance.

Lance sighed. "We don't have time to change. We're already late to be early!" He opened the door and waited for Keith to exit, then followed behind him.

Once they made it to the fifth floor, they could hear the music booming down the hall.

"Guess they started already..." Keith sighed. "I hope no one gets too... crazy..."

Lance glanced over at the boy beside him who was twirling the plaid sleeves between his fingers nervously. "It'll be fine. If they do, we're allowed to leave, right?"

"I guess so... I'm no good at social things at all..."

They walked up to dorm 515 and the door slid open to a raging party that was much more intense than expected. The lighting was low with actual coloured lights shining around the bustling living room. There was loud music blaring incoherent lyrics as they walked in skeptically.

"This is a little-" Keith stopped as he saw Shiro strut over to them.

"Hey, you made it!" He smiled and waved as Adam slung himself over Shiro's shoulder.

"Good to see ya!" Adam said.

Keith and Lance exchanged nervous glances, but Lance decided to let loose. "Good to be here. Where's the punch?"

"Over there," Shiro pointed to a long table full of snacks and a large punch bowl. It was filled with a pink- red substance and lemons.

"Great." Lance pulled Keith behind him as they weaved through the people dancing by the sides.

Déjà vu much? It's like the caf... but way louder... Lance mumbled something away from him and he was going to ask him to clarify, but they made it to the punch.

Lance grabbed a rather large red cup, filled it, and handed it to Keith. He filled one for himself and held it towards him. "To letting loose for once!" His eager expression tugged a smile onto Keith's face as he clinked their cups together.

"To... letting loose." They grinned at each other before chugging the drink back as fast as they could. It stung the back of Keith's throat a bit, but that was because he drank it so fast, right?

Lance slammed his cup onto the table and hiccuped. "Now that's some punch." He filled up the two cups again and they walked over to the kitchen area where their friends were.

"Hey!" Pidge said from atop the island. Allura was beside her as well as Hunk and an unfamiliar guest. Matt was leaning against the counter on the other side of Pidge than Hunk.

"Who's this?" Lance asked, sending a flirty glance to the tall, seemingly shy girl.

"Shay. She and I have been chatting together for what I want to say was about 20 minutes." Hunk replied. "She's pretty cool, so don't try to flirt with her. She's shy."

Lance looked taken aback by his comment, but brushed it off as he sipped his drink.

"Well, how's everyone doing? Ready to have some fun?" Lance said, trying to get everyone hyped. It didn't work very well.

"Can we play never have I ever? I don't feel like getting lost in everyone's legs over there," Pidge said, almost shuddering at the thought of being mixed in the crowd of partying people.

"Sure! Everyone get a drink!" Lance held up his cup and his friends made their way to the punch bowl and back.

Keith took a sip of his drink and he shivered at the strange sensation his tongue felt. It was almost... bitterly sour.

"I'll start." Pidge said, placing herself back on top of the island counter. "Never have I ever... kissed someone~" she side eyed Lance and Keith and they both blushed.

"Really?" Lance whined, but he took a sip.

Keith's face was hot. Does she ever stop? He took a rather large gulp of the punch and it once again sent a burning sensation down his throat. He shuddered and turned back to his friends.

"Never have I ever gone to a high school dance with someone." Allura said.

"C'mon. These are so stupid." Lance took another gulp of his drink. He made a face at the taste. "What's even in this stuff?" He held the cup out in front of him as if to inspect it, but no one heard.

Shay took a small sip and put down the cup. "I didn't even like the guy I went with. He was a jerk."

Everyone chuckled and it was Hunk's turn. "Never have I ever gone without eating a meal. It's all I can think of."

Keith nearly chugged his drink. He'd missed so many meals he couldn't even count.

"Relax there Keith, your gonna lose too fast if you drink that much at once!" Lance knocked him in the shoulder playfully.

Pidge also took a large amount of the punch back and laughed. "Once Matt locked me in a closet for hacking into his laptop and he made me miss dinner!"

"Okay, never have I ever..." Shay's voice was soft and almost inaudible over the loud music. "Toasted a pop tart."

Pidge gasped. "What?!"

"I didn't know that's what you did with them!" She looked to the side shyly and Keith, again, chugged back his drink. He had almost finished his second cup, and he couldn't help but wonder why his throat was tingling.

Everyone else drank from their cups and laughed a bit together.

"My turn!" Lance grinned widely. "Never have I ever gone to a party and left without a date." He smirked and glanced over to the dance floor like he was determined to pick someone up with his flirting.

Everyone drank from their drinks and Pidge dirty looked Lance. "That's almost not fair."

Lance just smirked at her.

"Umm..." Keith started, trying to think of a good idea. "Never have I ever... worn the colour green on any of my clothing." That should get them.

Pidge groaned and chugged back her drink, as well as the rest of them.

"Seriously?" Lance said, side eyeing him.

"Yup. My closet consists of black, red, blue and white."


"Never have I ever driven a car." Matt crossed his arms and huffed. "I wish."

Lance chugged back his drink and smiled when he put it down. "It's way overrated."

It was back to Pidge's turn, and everyone was already nervous. "Never have I ever..." she rubbed her hands together sinisterly. "Had a crush on my roommate." Her grin spread across her face.

I don't have to drink, right? It's not really a crush, is it? It's more of a... friendship? Keith didn't realize he was blushing.

"No one? Lies. Lies I say!" She waved her hands around and looked at Keith specifically. He gulped and tried not to draw attention to himself.

"Sure... anyways... never have I ever wanted Pidge to play this game." Allura grimaced and Pidge downed her entire drink.

"Ha! I want me to play this game!" She smirked lopsidedly and hiccuped at drinking so fast.

"Never have I ever-"

Hunk was cut off when they heard a loud yell from someone on the dance floor.

"Spiked!" They yelled. "It's the punch!"

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