The Move

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[Y/n] was very nervous for her first day at her new school. Her parents had recently switched to a new position in the ministry of magic! She was happy for them, yet she was still very sad to leave her best friends Meagan, Stephanie, Savannah, Robert, and Mathew. She has known them since they started their first years at Ilvermorny. They were all in the house Pukwudgie.

"[N/n]! I'm gonna miss you!" Savannah exclaimed.

"I am gonna miss you too Vannah! Make sure to owl me when ever you can!" I hugged her.

"[Y/n], it's time to leave." Your mother said ending your hug with your friend.

Savannah whispered in your ear, "make sure, keep your head high, your ambition and wits even higher, and of course steer clear of mischief if you can't clear your name." She winked at the last part.

"Will do-" you were cut off mid sentence by your mother taking your hand and practically dragging you to the car.

~Time skip brought to you by a sexy green M&M~

You finished unpacking your items, carefully, placing down a picture of you and your friends. They were the only people you liked, everyone else you kind of showed an internal hatred towards them.

"Honey, are you done packing? We need to get your school supplies." Your Mother chimed.

"Fine." You sighed. You weren't much of the family person. Your parents hardly took notice of your presence ever since your older brother passed. When ever they saw you, they would just speak small sentences. They never really thought it would effect you or them. And it didn't. You didn't mind actually. You liked being alone, it gave you the time to practice things, or read.

You stomped down the stairs and went with your mother, who was trying to start a conversation.

"So, erm, are you excited for a new start?" She asked.

"No." You said with a blank expression.

"Oh, well, I hope we can, you know, do things as a family together soon. Your father and I have realized the fact that we have, neglected, our jobs of being parents once your brother passed." She sighed. "And I want to apologise for that. We do love you dear, and we want to prove it to you." She smiled a warm, loving smile at you. She hasn't smiled like that since your brother was around.

"Really mum?" You asked taken aback.

"Of course, [Y/n]." She hugged you.

~Time skip brought to you by an adorable kitten~

"You have all of your supplies, correct?" Your mother asked you.


"Oh, one more thing!" She quickly ran into the per store. She came back out with a cute brownish black kitten. "She is for comfort when you feel lonely at school." She placed the kitten into your hands.

"I'm gonna call her, Timber." The kitten purred in response causing a small smile to form on your lips.

"Well, it's time to get you home. You have a long day tomorrow love!" And with that, the two of you left, and arrived at home.

A/N Is this any good so far? It's my first fan fiction.. so I worry it'll be bad. Next chapter is when you go to Hogwarts so dont worry. I wanted to give a little bit if a backstory before entering :)

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