Classes. Yay.

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It's been a few days since I have had a dream. Lucky me, I start classes today. Fun.

"[Y/n]? You up?" Alexia said.


"We gotta hurry up! We don't wanna be late to transfiguration do we? Professor Dumbledore is awesome and I can't wait for you to meet him!" She smiled and pulled me out of bed.

"But wait, where did Selene and Maria go?"

"They have potions first, but I think they went to breakfast."

I made a small 'oh' sound.

"Well, get dressed and we can head to breakfast, and then leave for class. Maybe we can catch up to them?"

I nod my head and walk into the bathroom. I just tossed my uniform and robes on and walked out, grabbing my wand. "Lets go."

~Time skip brought to you by IHOP~

We made it to the great hall just in time. Maria and Selene, were still eating.

"Hey guys!" Alexia said pulling me towards there spot.

"Hey." Selene said.

"Morning." Maria stated.

"So, [Y/n], what's your nickname? Mine is Lexi, so call me that, Selene's is Sele, and Maria is Mara or Mar." Alexia asked.

"Oh, mine is [n/n]."

"Good, that's what we will call you. Some of the time." She smiled. "But, I prefer to be called Lexi, so just call me Lexi."


We ate, and talked about our favourite things. When I finished, I got up and went to my first class.

~Time Skip~

When I reached class, I sat in the slytherin section. I noticed the oh-so-familiar Tom Riddle. (sigh.) I rolled my eyes and sat as far away from him as I can.

"Hello, and welcome." Professor Dumbledore spoke. He looked wise, and kind. I heard Tom scoff.

Soon, he began to show us how to transfigure a rat, into a quill. Its pretty neat, really.

Once his class was over, I went to care for magical creatures. It was easy if I'm being honest.

I spent my free period, and lunch inside of the library, reading more about the dark arts.

I went to potions right after. There, I was partnered with Lexi. She was very... what's the word.. ah yes, impatient.

Lastly, I went to divination. It was pretty boring, accept for seeing Abraxes push over his crystal ball like an idiot.

[A/N] Sorry for not posting early enough! Also sorry for this being short. I have been having writers block recently, so if you have any recommendations, let me know!

Lovely [Tom Riddle X Reader] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now