New friends!

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He sent me off to the great hall. I looked around for the familiar boys and saw them at a long table. Oh I guess I should mention, I'm wearing my slytherin cloak!

I walk over to the table and search for an empty spot. I sat down at the end of the table, where nobody else was. I didn't mind, I like being alone.

The headmaster comes in, and the first years get sorted into their houses. A couple of first years sat next to me.

"Hello." One said.

"Oh, hello." I smiled at them.

"What's your name? I'm Alyssa Jones." She said.

"I'm  [y/n] [l/n]. Nice to meet you."

She smiled at me. "What are you? Pure blood, half blood, or muggle born?" She asked.

"I'm pure blood, you?"

"Half blood."

"That's cool!" I said with glee.

She grinned. "I can tell were gonna be good friends! But wait, what year are you?"

"I'm a fifth year, but we can still hang out in our free time." I reassured her.

The head master silenced us and gave a speech. Once he finished his speech, the food appeared. Alyssa and I ate, and talked. We got to know each other more.

Apparently, her father was a slytherin, her grandmother was a slytherin, and so was her grandfather. Her mother was a muggle, but she loved wizardry.

Her mother owned a bakery, while her father worked in the ministry as an Auror. She told me she had a little brother, and an older sister, who is also a fifth year. She is a ravenclaw however. The first in her family to be exact.

Alyssa loved magical creatures as much as me. She practised some of her enchantments and practised writing on parchment. She had very neat handwriting.

When dinner was over, our prefect had to lead us to the common room. But little did I know, it was douche all mighty Tom.

He looked over at me and smirked. I already knew what it was about. *sigh*.

He led us to the common room, and told us where the dormatories are. I looked for mine, which I shared with a few other girls.

There names where, Selene, Alexia, and Maria. They seemed to be in there already, so I just walked in.

The room was pretty. Lots of green and silvers. I even had a bed near the window, so I could see the black lake.

"You must be [Y/n]! It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Alexia!" The blonde yelled, and tackled me into a bear hug.

"Lexi get off of her." A beautiful blue haired girl said.

"Fine Marie. I wanted to give her a warm welcome!" She argued.

"Well, you tackled the poor girl." She turned to me and stuck her hand out. "I'm Marie, and the brunette over there, that's Selene, she is pretty nice when you get to know her." She smiled. I smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you three." I said.

"So, quick question," Selene began. "What do you think about flowers?" She asked.

"Hmm, they are pretty, most of them smell wonderful, they all have different patterns, and they appeal an interest to me." She nodded her head.

"What's your favourite? Mine is the lavender." She asked again.

"I have a few, the Lilly of the alley, [f/fr] (favourite flower), and white roses." She smiled.

"[F/fr]s are pretty. Sorry with the floral frenzy, I just love the study of flowers."

"Your alright, I would love to get to know you all." I smiled.

We chatted, and talked about our favorite things. They were all kind and fun. Heck, one time Selene pulled a prank on the potions master, slughorn! She said it was hilarious, especially since he didn't care.

It was getting late so we all one by one decided to head to bed. I didn't sleep, just yet. I read, and finished my book.

I charmed the light so it would shut off. I soon began to drift to sleep. I'm glad I made a few friends.

Lovely [Tom Riddle X Reader] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now