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I stepped into my bedroom. It was quite lovely. It had a beautiful queen sized bed, draped with  [f/c] curtains. The walls were [f/c] with (white or black) floral patterns. I had a sequoia dresser and matching bedside tables. Basically my room was magnificent.

"Honey, is your trunk packed and ready?" Mom asked.

"Yes mom."

"Alright, we need to hurry!" She said.

I grabbed my trunk, my kitten, and my sweater. Soon I ran down the stairs, and outside, where mom was inside the car. It was a short drive till we arrived at Kingsley Cross train station. I looked around and saw some people run into a wall and immediately knew it was to board the Hogwarts express. I waved my mom bye and went through. I then boarded the beautiful train and found an empty cabin.

Soon I heard shuffling and a blonde popped up. I stared at the boy, examining his features. He seemed to be doing the same.

"Malfoy, Abraxes Malfoy." He smirked at me. I tilted my head to the side.

"[L/n], [y/n]. Pleasure to meet you."

After I spoke another boy appeared behind him. He had dark brown, and perfectly curled hair. He had beautiful facial structure. He had nice grey blue eyes. He was... very attractive. I. Was soon snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" The boy asked.

"Introducing myself to this petal."

I rolled my eyes. I might of coughed 'piss off'.

The other boy then looked at me. He examined me closely, as if I were a pray and he were the predator.

"House?" He stated.


"What house are you in?"

"I'm not sure yet, I just transferred here."


"Ilvermorny." He snickered at my stayement.

"Is there a problem?" I glared at him. He returned the gesture.

"No." He stated coldly.


"Tom, were are we going to sit? With your banter, and questions, all of the cabins are probably full." The blonde said.

He looked at him, then me. "We will sit with her."

I might have done a middle finger gesture or not. I turned and took a book out of my bag and started to read. Over the holidays I have grown a small interest into the dark arts. The book I was reading was about illegal curses, hexes, and jinxes.

The brown haired boy took my book. "What's this?"

I snatched it back. "A personal belongings you incompetent jerk!"

He seemed to only smirk at my statement. "Really? Why was it about the dark arts?"

"Because it is. Now if you would, mind your damn business." I scoffed.

The blonde looked at me with an 'oh shit' face.

The brown haired boy took my book again.

"This is really starting to annoy me," I reached for my book but it was snatched from my reach.

"What is your name." The boy asked.

"I will not be telling you that anytime soon, now give me my book!" I spat.

"I'll give it back, if you tell me your name."

I sighed. "Fine, [Y/n] [l/n]. Now give it."

He set the book in my hand. I sighed. "What's yours?"

"Riddle, Tom Riddle."

"What's with the formal introductions."

They shrugged in unison.

"What ever. Anyways, what are the houses?" I asked.

The blonde spoke up. "Slytherin, which is the house we ourselves are in, Gryffindor, our houses rivalry, hufflepuff, and ravenclaw."

"So slytherin is for arrogant pricks?" I asked the Tom with a smirk.

"Watch it, [L/n]."

"Or what?" My smirk turned into a grin.

"I'll, just, nevermind." He huffed.

Point 1 [y/n], 0 tom.

*Time skip cause author-chan is lazy*

We arrived to the beautiful building. We got off of the train and I was pulled off to the side by the headmaster.

"Miss [l/n], am I correct?" He asked.

I nod my head and smiled.

"Follow me miss." We then walked into his office. He pointed to an old and tattered hat. The infamous sorting hat.

He set it on top of my head.

"Ahh! The third [l/n]! I'm very pleased to be having another!" The hat said. I smiled. When me and brother were younger, father told us how he went to Hogwarts and got sorted into Hufflepuff. My grandfather was a Ravenclaw.

"Hmm, let's see. Lots of bravery.... loyalty.. But also an urging storm to prove her self. Very very cunning... hmm I know where to out you! SLYTHERIN!" oh no.

Im an arrogant prick!

[A/n] second chapter woop woop! Is it good so far? I'm still not sure how it will turn out..

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