Return of the Infamous Journal

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Question of the day, do you guys want a face reveal? Also, I apologize for the late update. I started school and boy is it hectic. Thank you all for having patience with me, I love you all so very much! Also, thanks for 10k views ❤❤

I woke up and stretched. I glanced at the journal by my bed and sighed. "Guess I should return this." I grabbed it and walked into the common room looking for the Riddler. I mean Tom.

"Hey you, have you seen Tom?" I asked to a random house mate. "I think he is in the library." They told me. I nodded at them syboling a thank you. I headed out of the common room and made my way to the library. I honestly didn't really care if he got mad or not.

When I made it to the library, I searched among the many rows for the curly haired prick that I believe is my friend. Found him, "Hey Tom, I believe this belongs to you." I held the journal up and in front of his face. "Where the he'll did you get that?!" He asked me. I could tell that he was visibly pissed. "Found it in the fire place. Thought I'd return it to it's owner. And no, I didn't read it so you should feel special." "How should I feel special when you stole my note book." I rolled my eyes "I didn't steal it, I found it." He grunted.

"So what'cha up to? I'm bored." "I'm trying to find a decent book to study some things." "Ooh dark things." I wiggled my fingers in an evil manner. "Actually yes." He smirked a bit. "Tom, ew. And what type of dark thing? Spells, charms? Potions?" I asked. "Uh, kind of all three. Why do you want to know?" I sighed. "I don't really even know. I just like to be up to date. Especially with you because you're a cool type of nerd." He looked at me then back at the book. "You think I'm a cool nerd?" "That's what I just said right?" He smiled a bit. "Well, I think, I think you're a cool, cool.." he paused looking for a word. "Girl." I chuckled, "I accept your attempt at a compliment." Tom full on smiled now. "Hey Tom, next weekend's trip to hogsmeades, do you maybe want to get some butter bear or something of that sort?" I bit my lip, preparing for rejection. "That sounds nice, yeah." I smiled at him, "don't be late or I'll have to hex you again, or maybe steal your journal again and read it." He rolled his eyes, "right well, I'll see you later?" He asked. "Obviously. Don't get into trouble now." "Says you." He laughed. "Bye." I waved and walked away.

~Time skip brought to you by Mr. Chandler Riggs~

"Lexi, I did a thing." I said to the blond. "And what is that thing Y/n?" I took a piece of my hair and twirled it. "I basically asked Tom on a date?" I asked. Her eyes went wide and she grinned, "I knew you had a thing for him!" "A thing for who?" Maria said, with Selene trailing behind her. "Tom!" Lexi smiled. "It's kind of obvious." Selene said. "Yeah, it was." Maria added. "How?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Well, we're your best friends, we know, also Maria, you owe me a box of Bertie and Bott's every flavor beans now." Lexi smirked. "Fine, fine. I'm gonna go study now, so be quiet before I ask Slughorn for a potion the makes people shut up." Maria said. "Well good morning to you to." I ended, with a smirk.

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