The Date

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Question if the day, what kind of x reader story should I write next? Completely your choice!

Its the day of the date. It's Saturday morning and I'm contemplating whether or not I should cancel. "So, whatcha wearing?" Lexi asked. "Clothes." She snickered at my remark. "I'm not gonna dress all fancy, and lead the poor kid on." I told her. "Fine fine!" She stood up and left the dorm. I got off the edge of my bed, and stormed over to my wardrobe, pulling out a basic long sleeved shirt, and leggings. I changed out of my pajamas, and into the fresh day clothes. I brushed my hair into a natural looking style and went out the room.

I walked into the great hall for breakfast, sitting next to my friends. "Is it true?" Alyssa came up to me. I tilted my head slightly, eyeing the girl. "Is what true?" I asked her. "That your going on a date with Abraxes!" She piped and sat next to me. "Not a date, just alet friendly outing." I told her and started grabbing food to put on my plate. "Oh. Well, at least it's not Tom." She said stuffing a muffin in her mouth. "Why not Tom? Do you like him?" I wriggled my eyebrows at the first year. Her cheeks got red and she furiously shook her head. "That's a lie. I'll keep good word for ya!" I smiled at her. She playfully punched my shoulder and ate more. When I was finished eating, I rested my head in the table.

Time skip brought to you by a young shirtless Paul McCartney.

I was walking around hogsmeades when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry Rubeus!" I apologized to the gentle giant. "Yer all right there, Y/n. Where ye off to?" I sighed. "Sadly I agreed to meet someone to get butterbeer, and I think they fancy me.." I practically slumped. "Well, sorry bout that. Have fun, remember its free to ye." He joked and I smiled. "Yes, free food and butterbeer. Makes a girls day." I joked. "Ill keep that in mind." He smiled, and I pat his back. "Y/n!" I heard someone call off in the distance. "Well that's my cue. See ya Rubeus!" I saved to him and walked away, and towards the blond.

"What did the oaf want from ya?" Malfoy asked. (If you don't get that reference I swear to god you're a fake fan.) "Don't be rude! And we were just chatting that's all." He rolled his eyes, and held his arm out for me to link. I inwardly cringed when I linked mine with his. We started walking to the diner type place which housed our butter beer. (I was to lazy to look up the actual shop, and I'm only running on 2 hours of sleep. Give me a break.)

When we entered the shop, the smell was overwhelming. We sat at a small corner booth and waited waitress. "You have pretty eyes." He said out of nowhere. "Uh thanks I guess." The waitress stumbled over here to get our order. "What can I get ya loves?" She asked. "Two butter beers will do." Abraxes said to the waitress. She nodded her head and stepped away.

"So, do you play Quidditch?" He asked. "Sometimes. Not very fond of playing sports." I answered. He nodded his head, seemingly taking a mental note. The waitress came back over with our butter beers, and left. "So what's your favorite subject?" I asked him. "Transfiguration, you?" I smiled a bit. "Potions class." Our attention soon snapped to the door, which was signalling a new costumer entering. I watched as the neatly combed brown haired boy walked in. He looked over at us, and a smirk settled on his face. I gave him a quizzical look, then looked at Abraxes who was cheesing. "What did you two plan?" I asked crossing my arms. "Nothing." He smiled.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty good. We chatted and got to know more about each other. When it was time to head back to Hogwarts, we said our goodbyes, and made our way back properly. When we got back to the common rooms, I went upstairs into my dorm and instantly fell asleep.

A/n I like to read your guys' comments so comment and one of you will be featured next chapter! (Presumably a follower 👀)

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