Dumbledore's letter

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I went as hagrid for Halloween and thought I'd show y'all my beard and hair. Also sorry that it's sideways. And sorry that it's been a while since I have posted! I'll try to get updates out more. This chapter is sort of a filler for the next by the way. Today's question is what is the best anime in your opinion?

  I just arrived to kings cross station, where my parents were waiting. This past year, was my final year at Hogwarts, and though my time there had many ups and downs, I was proud to graduate being a prefect of Slytherin house. Hogwarts was fun, but now it's off to find a job. There is one thing about this summer I am looking forward to, the girls are going to meet my friends from Ilvermorny! Were going to stay at my grandmother's house in America, more specifically, in New York. We will be there until the beginning of September and we leave next week.

   My grandmother is a muggle. When my mother got accepted into Ilvermorny, it was surprising to both my grandparents and my mother. My father on the other hand, his parents went to Hogwarts. I don't know much about my father's parents, but I know a lot about my mothers because I would visit them a lot when we lived in America. The girls are excited to meet my old friends and my grandmother. Selene knows muggle customs because both of her parents are muggles, but the other two do not. Tom won't be staying with us, but he will come down a few times.

   When I saw my parents, I smiled and greeted them with hugs. "So, how was your year?" My mother asked.

  "It was good, where's my cat?" I asked.

   "At home. We figured since you were going to be gone for most of the summer, we would go to your brothers burial sight." My father said. I nodded and waved bye to my friends,  and started walking with my parents. When we arrived to our house I went inside and dropped my bags om search for my cat. I found him in my bedroom, and picked him up with a smile.

   "Did you miss me Timmy?" I asked earning a meow back on response. Timmy is the nickname I gave him the first year I arrived at Hogwarts.  I put him down and began putting my things in the places they belong. When I was finished I sat on my bed and smiled. Now is the time to think about what I really want to be. I want to be a professor at Hogwarts, but I know they don't need any of those any time soon. I am thinking about working in the ministry, or maybe even try out for a quidditch league.

  "What do you think Timber? What should I be?" He looked at me, and meowed a simple response. "To bad I don't know what you're saying." I sighed. There was a tap on my window, and I saw an owl with a letter attached to it. I furrowed my brows slightly. "A letter already? But I don't recognize this owl." I opened my window, and the owl came in. I took the letter off of it and sent the owl back on its way.

   "Y/n, Remember when I asks you to keep an eye on Tom," I read, "This is from Dumbledore." I said looking down at the owl flying in the distance. "Since you're both no longer attending Hogwarts, it will be hard for me to help you. Keep a keen eye on him. I feel he may start changing sooner rather then later." I reread each sentence carefully. I put the letter in my drawer and sighed.

   "Y/n!" My mother yelled, "We're about to leave, come on down!" And with that, I left the sanctuary of my bedroom, and down stairs where my parents were waiting patiently on me.

  Bam. Any theories? Any questions?

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