Chapter 27

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~Harmony's POV~

After the party, Elias and I went to dinner and a movie.

Afterwards we went home, and acted childish.

*1 week later*

I stand in front of the mirror and observe how big and round my stomach is.

"What's wrong?" elias asks as he wraps his arms around my waise from behind

"I'm huge." i say and pout

"No you're not." he says

"Yes I am. When my water breaks, don't even ask for a wheelchair when we get to the hospital, just roll me there. It won't be hard." i say and he laughs

"It's not funny." i say and walk away

"Ok ok, I'm sorry." he says and pulls me back

"Can I tell you something?" i ask him

"Sure." he says

"I'm scared." i say

"Of what?" he asks

"This entire situation." i say "Becoming a mother........... being married-" he cuts me off

"Stop it. Harmony, you'll be a wonderdul mother. I can tell by the way you take care of everyone else's kids. But as far as being a good wife, don't worry about it. Just take it one day at a time." he says and kisses my forehead

"I can't help but wonder, what will happen later on down the line. Will you get tired of me, and leave me? Like, what's gonna happen?" i ask as tears form in my eyes

"I could never leave you. I love you too much." he says

"You promise!?" i ask

"I promise." he says and smiles

"I love you." i say

"I love you too." he says and kisses me as he pulls me closer to him

We lay in the bed and watch tv, until we fall asleep.

*A few hours later*

I wake up in the bed by myself and I have to go to the bathroom more that usual. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, as soon as I get in the bathroom, I feel water trickle down my leg and I feel sharp pains in my stomach.

"ELIAS" I yell

I don't hear anything.

I look at the clock, it's 10p.m.

I call elias and his mom answers, so I tell her to meet me at the hospital.

I change my pants, and walk to Shanya's house.

I knock frantically.

"Who is-" she starts "Harmony, what's wrong? Why are you breathing so hard?" she asks

"My water just broke." i say

"Ok, come on lets go."she says helping me to the car

I try to get in the front seat.

"Hell no, get yo ass in the back." she says "I don't need you to have a contraction and grab me and I wreck the car." she says and I laugh a little and have another contraction

"I wasn't due for another month." i say

"Well, surprises surprise. The baby said its time." she says

About 15 minutes later, she pulls up to the hospital and we go in. Not longer after we see Elias and his mom and we are sent to a room.

"Elias, come here."I say as I lay on the bed

"Yes baby!?" he says sweetly

I slap him.

"Don't ever touch me again." I say

"Yes ma'am."he says respectfully and goes to sit next to his mom

"You're not completely dialated yet."the nurse says "You're only a few centimeters."

I want to cry, but no tears come. At this point, I want to be as far away from Elias as possible, but I know he'll never forgive me if I make him miss the birth of his first child.

2 hours later, the nurse comes back and checks again and tells me I'm almost completely dialated.

Everytime I look at Elias I get mad.

I feel pain to shoot across my stomach and I grip the bed sheets.

Alise and Stacy come in and Alise comes and stands by me.

"You ok, you need anything?"she asks

"I need to be dialated so that this baby can come out." i say with an attitude

"Poor baby." she says and sits next to stacy

About 4 later the nurse comes back, but with a doctor and they check everything and tell me I'm fully dialated. I sigh in relief and look over at Elias. They move me to another room and Elias follows close behind.

"Ok mrs.smith-" i cut him off


"Harmony, I need you to push." he says "Ready?" he asks

"Yes." i say

"1........2-" he starts

"Wait." i say and I raise my hand for him to hold my hand. He holds it, and comforts me.

"Ready?" the doctor asks

"Yes." i say

"1......2.......3....push" he says

*3 hours later*

I'm surrounded by the doctor, the nurse, my mom, elias, and his mom.

"Harmony, you can't keep asking for drugs."

"Mother, have a seat, over there." i say and point to an empty chair on the other side of the room.

"She's right. You have to let the medicine you just took set in." elias says

"I am in a lot of pain right now, and I just want it to go away." i say

"I understand, but let the medicine do its job." he says kissing my forehead

"You aren't allowed to come in contact with me in any way that may seem sexual for a long long time." i say and he laughs

"Ok." he says

"What are we going to name him?" I ask as I hold my son in my arms

"Christien Jaiden Smith." he says

I smile and nod in agrrement.

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