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Song: NF - Remember This Revalations

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Song: NF - Remember This

After our kiss we spent a little of minutes more at the park before leaving. It wasn't awkward but thinking about in class now, makes me think I should avoid him. I was trying to concentrate too but he was the only on my mind. Ugh. This is horrible. I hate this.

The fact that my dad added my mum in his gang for protection was good because they were rarely home and had less time for me.

What I'm saying would be horrible for other children but I'm quite happy.

Noah asked me yesterday if I wanted to stay at his place but I refused. I already showed enough of myself to him. I've shown more that I ever did to my long-term friends, destiny and trisha.

As I headed to my next class, I saw Noah and Christina doing god knows what at her locker.
So he skipped class to go and stay in the halls with her? Some people have small brains.

I didn't really care anyway. I'm used to this constant betrayal. But after all it was just a kiss right? For him.

but for me it was more. He was actually my first real kiss cuz I kissed other people who forced me too. Anyway, I choose to go pass him singing prooving him I didn't give a fuck.

As I went pass, he didn't even see me. Didn't notice me like I was shit. I shouldn't make it such a deal. The day flew passed and I didn't see Noah anywhere. It was actually good but I was still sad.

Noah's pov

I skipped school after my fourth period to go ask dani about mayeleane's dad. I also planned to train for tonight's match.
I arrived and parked my car. I ran into the underground gym and to his office. As I barged in like always, two guards stopped me.

"sorry Mr rider is about to leave you'll see him tomorrow." they say in unison. Are they fucking machines ?

"Look I don't have time for your shit, I need to him. Urgently." I say angrily before trying to get through them.

"sorry but Mr -"
"I'll see him com'on son. Get ya but in here." Dani says happily. I got past the guards and locked the door of the office.

"hey" I say simply. I didn't quite know how to start a conversation knowing it wasn't about fight but for my own curiosity.
"quit the small talk. Now tell me whats bothering ya." he says still having a face smile plastered on his face.

"well do you have any info on a gangleader named Moore?" I asked. He looked at me strangely for about half a minute before I had to wiggle one eyebrow to get him to talk.

"I'll check that right now son." he said getting comfie in his esk chair and opening his laptop. In about 5 to 8minutes,he was finished.

"a gangleader huh? Um his name is Georges Moore has a wife and two kids. But one of his kids were killed by an other gang member to bring him down but it didn't seem to work.
He still lives in town and sometimes comes here when one of his members are fighting. "
He says still looking for info. I had to digest this softly and slowly before I asked ab other question.

" Do we know who this is? " I ask. He looked down at his computer then said.
" nope". Popping on the p. I then prepared myself to leave.
"Alright thanks boss." I say taking my coat that I put on the desk.

"hey Noah. Why all this sudden need to know?"

"just curious." I say cheekily. As I was about to leave, I heard him whisper something. Something close mayleane.

"what did you say?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. He looked at me with a blank expression before saying hesitant.

"er nothing ya should know about don't worry about that son."
I nod and get out of the basement.
I get in my car and hed home.


Arrived home I did my own researches trying to find out who it was who killed mayley and if he was still alive. I don't even know why I feel the need to help her. After all when I was kissing christia or I don't know her name. All I could do is think it was her.

Then why did you kiss her dickhead??

I pushed the thought back and tried to concentrate but I just couldn't. All sort of images of her came in my head. Her at the water park.

Her crying in my arms for about three times. Us kissing in my bedroom. Everything we spent together we barely knew each other but I already needed her. It was an evidence. But I knew I couldn't. I just couldn't. It will put her in danger and everything I touch ends up hurt. But something forcing me to stay near her acting like I know what I'm doing.
Like all of the situation isn't out of was starting to be late and I didnt realise I was about sleep when my mum called me for dinner.

"Noah come down to eat." she said happily. My mum was always happy. I don't understand. I mean my dad was a pure coward to her but infont of me everything seemed to be fine. She will always give me advice when things were wrong and I will ask how do you know all that. And she will answer with experience.

I will never forgive my dad. I tried but it was too much. He left us because we didn't fit the perfect family image he wanted. Because I wasn't the perfect child. Because I wasnt strong. Because I was weak and even scared of getting out of my room at night.

As I came down the stairs. I was proud of the person I see. My mum was my world, the only who really lived me and Dani became my second dad at the age of 15. Since he had a lot of basements all around the country, with his gang, he could move and since I was the one who got him the most money, well He took great care of me as his own son.

I sat down and started eating. It was spaghetti with cheese and ham. It was my favourite that my mum ever made. Mostly because she always put her love in it and I feel it when I take each bite.

"hmm, these are really nice mum really thank you for always making food for me.

" oh your welcome honey. I love you so much do you know that mika? ". Yes mika was my second name. It was my dad that actually called me Noah when mum had chosen mika so they put both. She always called me mika when we were alone. She never did it in front of anyone because she thought it was embarrassing but honestly, I don't give a fuck.

"I love you more." I say my mouthful.
"yeah yeah." she whispers.

"mummy I love you to the moon and back." I say childishly.

"I love you more bigger than the whole milky-way." she says in the same to e as I

"Bigger than the hole galaxy and beyond" we say in unison and burst out laughing.

The whole dinner finished happily, explaining our days and speaking about her work.

After a few hours, I went to sleep. And guess who I dreamed of ?

My dad.

Well guys I'm so happy we are at 380🎉🎉
I enjoy doing Noah's pov so I'll be doing it more often. I'm also working on making long chapters because some are short mostly the first ones. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading 💕💕

Tchiya xox

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