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Song: Imagine dragons- believer Truth and only truth

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Song: Imagine dragons- believer 
Truth and only truth

"Don't push me ever again May." He said smirking . He stood up from his bed and came closer , I stepped back.

" If you keep coming closer, I might have to do that again." I say taking another step back .

" Not if I stop you ." He said coming closer . I attempt to push him but he grabs my wrists and pushes me against the wall . I could feel myself blushing as hell. I try to leave his embrace but he holds on so tight . I suddenly feel bad . Memories pop up in my head like if I was seeing them and feeling every pain . I couldn't see clear anymore . I saw my dad instead of Noah and I could feel myself falling .

"Stop ." I say calmly trying ot to act weak.

" Why ?" He asked me still smirking .

" Because I don't feel well ." I say . He loosens his grip

on my wrists and let me fall on the ground . It was painful to still think about that bastard even when I was outside my fucking house. He sits next to me on the floor.

" Let's play a game ." He says .

" What kind of game ."I say settling down properly

" Truth and only truth. It consists in telling the truth to a question I ask you and I'll do same for you ." He tells me .

"sit on the bed and I'll go get water downstairs ." He says hovering out of the room . Instead of doing what he asks , I wonder around his room . My eyes stay on his desk where three photos were standing out . One with some guys older then him , and two with his mum. I loved the way he cared about her behind all this rudeness.

I end up sitting on the bed waiting for him to come back . He came back after a while with water and two glasses.

" Sorry if I took too long I had to help my mum put some stuff in the car . she's out for a meating ." He says casually.

He sits beside me and serves us some water .

" What you tell me here and what I tell you here stays between us promise?" He says. I nod

" Okay when are you born?" He says.

"august the 18th . When are you born ?" I say I didn't want to ask him the intense questions at the start .

" Janurary the 12th . How many are you in your family ?" He asks.

" We were four but my sister died ."I say acting like I'm normal and like it afect me when that death ruined my whole life.

" Where's your dad.?" I ask curiously .

" Divorce . He's an asshole . He cheated and the worst is that he didn't admit . So I moved ." He says coldly.

" How did you sister die ?"

" Umm ..." It was hard to bring up the past. We could think of it but talking was like hurting yourself all over again .

" Well . She met this guy amd he abused her and ended up killing her . He's in prison but a part of me will always feel guilty." I say sadly .

" Why ?". He come a little closer . I gulped and looked down . I felt so guilty all of a sudden .

" I presented him to her ." My voice woblly. I didn't have the strength to cry anymore so all I did was rest my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and made me face him.

" it isn't your fault you couldn't know what he was capable of doing . It's his for acting the way he did . I hope he rots in hell.

" Anyway , what's your favourite colour ?"

" Navy blue but it's starting to be green."He says looking into my eyes But I don't understand why .

" What was your sister like ?" he asks still staring at me .

"She was the type of person to bring light to your world whe you were the downest you could be . With one smile she could chang the world . She always came back from college screaming 'I'm back' and runimg up the stairs to hug me . she was my parents everything and since she's gone they have become horrible .I miss Mayley so much and it hurts me whn here friends blame me for her death. We would always go to our garden in the middle of the night to sort out problems . We could talk all night and not be tired enough to not talk again in the morning. We both loved pinapple pizza and she never judged me for anything ." I say smiling . Noah was staring at me like I never saw him do before . I couldn't read the emotion that was covering his face but it was the first time he did this face. He could be the biggest asshole in the world but listening to me was enough.

" thank you ." I say out of the blue .

" Why ?" He asked me .

" for listening to me". I say smiling at him . I quickly bring him into a hug . He didn't react at first but he ended up hugging me back .

"Mayleane ?" He whispered. I look up and Noah cups my face .

" Let me kiss you" He said quietly .

" Okay ."

The second he heard the okay , he brought his lips to mine . I didn't hesitate to respond . He put me on his lap and deepened the kiss. He slid his hands to my waist pushing me closer to him and I put one hand on his neck and the other playing with his hair . I wanted this kiss to last forever . This was actually my first kiss but I always thought it was disgusting and all but now that I know how it feels I take back every word . When he  stopped the kiss , I was kinda disappointed and I weirdly wanted to feel his lips on ,mine again

" kiss me again ." I ordered.

And he did so


I published 2 chapters  today since I won't be active in a while because I need to spend  time with my family. I wish you a merry christmas ,a happy new year ❤️💓❤️💓 and a happy time ❤️ 

p.s  the quote at the start is in Noah's point of view 

❤️  xxtchiyaxx  ❤️

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