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Muummmyy.........! I cried out as I woke up on a strange couch in a small room. It was very different from my dad's big mansion . I kept crying as I looked around me.

Opposite me was a semi plasma TV & wall stand with lots of magenta stickers which are flower patterned surrounding the area. The room was square Shaped & painted yellow. The floor were tilled navy blue.

There were only three fluffy chairs in the room with a transparent glass central table. Their was a giant pink Teddy bear at the end side of the small television almost reaching the ceiling & a brown colored fan.

"Zara?"..... She said gently turning my chin so I could look at her beautiful face as she smiled broadly.

"Mummmmy!"...... I cried again.

"I..... ?"she pointed to her self. "I....... New mommy." She paused then continued. "Some really really bad people made your mummy sleep forever." She added caressing my long braids adorned with ribbons and beads.

"NOOooo!" I busted out loud. I want to see my mummy & daddy......

"Hey Zara..... " No mummy no daddy.... OK.... I.... Mummy's sister.... Second mummy.... " She paused after every sentence making sure I was processing it in my little head.

"You.... Mummy's sister? " ......second mummy?? " I asked in tears confused.

Yes Zara. I can show you pictures.

It was then I noticed a dusty photo album. She dusted the covers with her veil exposing her hair fully. Looking at her from the side she looks exactly like my mother.

"See?....." she interrupted my thoughts putting the album on my small lap. I saw a few pictures of them mainly together. Anyhow the story was she knew my mother.

"what is new mummy's name? " I asked pushing my lip forward already copying her ways.

She giggled a little, cleaning a tear from her eye secretly.
"new mummy's name.....? Zeena!.

Mummy's name??

"Smart..... Mummy name Zeema."

Dad's name??? I asked narrowing my eyebrows

Yousif Shiwa . She answered.

"Are you convinced? I'm not going to hurt you. I promise me not bad OK? She said raising my chin cleaning my teary eye.

I could see as if she was searching for something in my eyes. Trust.... She needed me to trust her so she could be my second mummy.

I didn't say anything I just looked at her confused.


"You'll wake up 5am & still get late!?" Mum Zeena scolded. "It's 8am for goodness sake " she added frustrated. "Maybe I'll have to go back to dressing you myself for school . I don't want query from those school teachers Zara. They are always making an opportunity to get in a quarrel with you! "

I finished buckling my white converse shoes not caring about mum Zeena's query. When it comes to me she over thinks. I can't blame her I'm always getting into some trouble with the school teachers, students, my Islamiyya mates or the area boys. I was a complete bitch.

It has been 13 years now & I have grown to love Mum Zeena & appreciate her for finding me. She cares for me alot & made sure she gave me the best upbringing even if she was a SLUT.

I somehow found out recently even though she was the talk of the area. But I couldn't careless. I still respected her like my own mother & made sure to bruise any one's mouth that talked ill of my Second mummy which explained why I usually get in some kind of trouble.

" You are 17 years old & your still behaving like a child ." she said throwing an apple in my backpack while she hung it on my shoulder. "you've been looking at the mirror for the past five minute,look it's five minutes to 8! " she added grabbing my white hijjab & forcing it on my head while I stepped backwards giggling.

" Just leave already. I just hope you won't kill me."

Not before you see your grand kids I quickly kissed her cheek running off before she could smack my arm.

"Mum Zeena...!" I said through giggles as I left our 3bedroom flat for my 5minutes walk to school.

I approached "Essence international school " rolling my eyes hard as if it would stuck at the back of my head.
The last place I want to be in is school. But Mum Zeena fees can't go to waste.

I took a glimpse @ the black wrist watch on my hand. 8:10 am..... Great.... Just great!

I snicked into the school like a thief holding my backpack tightly. I made my way through the assembly hall heading for the stairs so I could make it to my class safely.

Well not till I bumped into an asshole teacher.

"Your are late." he stated clearly.

I assembled my posture hugging my arms & cocking my hip to the left giving him a no nonsense look.

"You know what?? Just go! " he said fraustated.

Well every one knew my middle name was trouble.... Zara..... Trouble...... Yousif. I smiled cockily at the thought as I made my way to the class.

After attending 20mintues mathematics class as my first period I attended lately, We went to the biology lab for 2nd & 3rd period lesson. I sat close to the school known pervert " Sabir" coincidentally. Well I couldn't careless because If he tried someting silly I'll be giving him a taste of his own medicine.

The lesson went Slow enough as the teacher was explaining courtships behavior in animals. I could see sabir constantly smirking at my left. While my only friend Humaira was sitting paying a whole lot of attention to the boring teacher.

The next thing I felt was warm hands roaming up my inner thighs. I looked & behold it was Sabir's dirty hand's. I took me less time to unbuckle my right leg shoe. The next thing I knew was the whole class was in a paranoid because I attacked Sabir, the country's "Ambassador to Jordan" spoilt son!

I smacked the converse hard on his ear making him hitting his head hard on a wall as he fell of the tall stool we were sitting. I sat on torso hitting him hard with my fist as his fair skin began to turn red. He used his hands to protect his his head from being hurt further.

"Oh sweet Jesus.... Zara!" said Mrs Williams the biology teacher from my back getting me off him while some student helped Sabir to his feet.

Mrs Williams held me tightly as I was still aggressive towards sabir while Humaira patted my back telling me to calm down. The next thing they saw was me striking a hard kick on sabir's boner.

He shouldn't have messed with Essence International school baddest bitch!


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