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The mind and body are two separate things but the mind controls the body.

Either in a positive or negative way.

Zeena was all numb. Her tears refuse to fall. She waited all this years for a monster. Never in a thousand lives would she imagine Ashraf would ever assault her. To worsen the situation her very own zara had to witness it. She knew how her daughter was on the verge of mental instability & training in the army was just an icing on the cake.

She watched as Zara gently put Zaina to sleep and for the first time in all the years with Zara she couldn't predict what was going on her head. She usually understood what her daughter's next step was, be it good or bad, but it was another story this time around .

Zara approached her mum surprising the elder woman by pulling her into a comforting hug.
"why do you do this mum?! " she asked in most calmest tune she could muster up.

The older lady opened her mouth to say a thing but nature gracefully denied her. She was been emotionally and physically stressed out and having her daughter besides her who was genuinely worried about the situation made her more numb. Soon her eyes became heavy and dozed off in her daughter's arm who was quietly sobbing on her head.

She woke up to the sound of her ringing tune 'trip by Ella mai', she smiled as it reminded her of how she fell for Amir without realizing it. She was surely dumb at her teenage age. she mentally scolded herself slapping her head a little before checking on mum zeena and little Zaina who slept peacefully with an arched brows as if they were both annoyed. "Man genes can be crazy" she breathed out.
Feeling her phone ringing besides her she became alert and picked it up.
Her eyes widened as she read the time, 3:49am. Why was Aneesa calling at this time.

"Hey idiot! I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes " Aneesa said a little to excited for the Ungodly hour.

"Guess what?! " She spoke again making Zara rolled her eyes at her friend's behavior.

"Wha.... "

"I've been transferred to work with the Nigerian FBI in Kano, I just went through my mails". she said like a little kid excited about a birthday party.

"OMG girl! Omg " Zara lowered her voice as she saw Zaina squirm.

"I'm so happy for you " she added as she realized she could now put her long plan to work.


"Aneesa you know I missed this place" Zara said happily dusting off remain dust on the giant teddy bear in her childhood home, while Aneesa was spraying some freshner. The home held memories of her gracefully growing up, she surely gave Mum zeena a hard time, she chuckled at the thought.

"sistaaa?" she didn't need to be told twice before she knew who it was.

"Goje?!" she called out tearing up.

"sister ta girma " Goje said embracing his sister in a brotherly hug. He wasn't used to this kind of emotions. But he embraces them. It hurt in a nice way. Aneesa just stood watching the cute reunion when sound of baby shoes started clicking on the floor. Beep beep beep

"baba?" A cute feminine baby voice echoed the house while they all averted their gaze to the source.

"Baba! " the baby repeated happily as she succeeded in finding her dad hugging his knees .

"OMG.... " Zara exclaimed taken aback

"she looks like fauza!" she added giving goje a questioning look.


Making her mom & Zaina settle down to a normal life again was her number 1 priority which she archived.
She didn't need to work because Batoul kenemi Yousif Shuwa was a multi billionaire But was enclosed in the body of Zara yousif all this years. Mum zeena successfully handled her electronic company which made a variety of electronics .All this years mum zeena kept receipt of the most little transactions made. The enemies knew Batoul  Kenemi was somehow alive,  they were sure she survived the attack where they killed her biological  mother but could not figure out where Batoul kenemi was in the whole world. The only evidence that showed Batoul Kenemi the kin of Kenemi Yousif Shuwa was alive was the cash transactions done by the electric company no one could take down.

Kenemi global electronics.

Not even the workers in the head office  located in the sub sahara desert could point a finger to who the boss  was regardless of the office working efficiently.

Taking a new responsibility was hard for Zara even  dou the highest she had to do was to receive or instruct the trusted men in the companies to get any job done.

Aneesa was happy with the FBI  section she was working for even if most of the cases was weird like a whole family of 26 people got their ears cut off in a particular night,  Aneesa  believed solving  mysteries did  save her from her own  problems.
The pain of losing everyone she ever loved still haunted her but spending some night / free days with Mum Zeena's little family helped her alot. She was  sometimes jealous of Zara as she wished she could find a motherly figure apart from her biological mother who she knew well no 1 could replace.

Her team  mates, Agent Ibrahim Auwal who was the head, followed by her, Agent Sarah a  medical lab scientist,Agent Brad a criminologist who was also a half cast then Agent Husna were  all  good, cooperative and  nice and she couldn't hope for  more.

It was Monday on the cold evenings of January, Aneesa who had a rough day questioning a stubborn suspect had enough & prepared to leave when Agent Husna approached her handing over a cell  phone.

"there's a call for you" Aneesa arched her brows  as she was already pissed .

"From police head quarters Jos...
The fair elegant stressed lady looked down at a conscious Agent husna

"hello,  office of the FBI, Agent Aneesa.... "

"yes hy. Agent Aneesa "  silence....

"we have Zara Yousif in our Custody!.


Author's note:
OK... First of all, I  want to tell who ever is reading this.....You don't know what ya'll mean to me😍I swear 🙏

My updates are slow because I've resumed a very busy session at school.
& please who can remember me where I can find  my  highlight button on watt🤕😂pad?

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