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"Are sure this is the address? Neesa?!"

"How would I forget my father's house Batoul?!" The taller lady replied rolling her eyes as she stepped out of their car.

"Remember the plan?" Aneesa asked for the million time.

"Yes.... distract the security guard while you get in." Zara replied planely.

Zara had to admit the architecture of Aneesa house was a mind blowing one. I was a huge solid mansion yet it held no life in it. Dry grasses from the old neem trees and rotten /overipped mangoes covering the floor.

"Are you sure their is any life in here?!" A curious Zara asked.

"Shuuush!" Aneesa hushed her dragging her to the side as she saw the security guard on patrol.

"I guess we'll have to do the job together then" she said with a devlish smile.


Silently taking out someone was a new thing Zara had learnt. It required less energy and most importantly it got your job done. All you have to do is learn your anatomy well.

"Ive been planning this for so long.... nothing has to go wrong."A suddenly nervous Aneesa said while unlocking the first door they meet with after taking out the security guard.

"Nothing would go wrong" Zara said determined after a silent sigh.

Everywhere was dusty. No one could possibly lived here...Zara thought as they break down the doors of the house trying to find a clue or probably a breathing soul.

"Neesa....no one is here." Zara mumbled for the hundredth time.

"They are under ground" Aneesa simply answered.

They couldn't make the decision to just march underground as they had no Idea what was installed for them.

"Its late....we would just spend the night in my room"

Zara nooded following the taller woman into one of the large hall ways.


Cleaning a house that wasn't used in years was never an easy task. They had to clean up as the whole place as it was covered in dust. They came across a few roaches and hundredths of spiders which kept freaking Zara out & Aneesa couldn't be less amused. She knew her friend was under a cover. She wasn't as fierce as she claimed to be.

For Aneesa it was an emotional moment for her. The last Time she was here was eight years ago. Coming across a cap her mother had knitted while searching for blanket was all it took the fair tall lady to break down on her knees.

Zara who was going through some of Aneesa's stuffs in her room started hearing sobs from the other room. She was debating on if she should approach the taller lady or let her go through her moment herself. But she went for the earlier decision. Soon she had Aneesa sobbing freely in her arms.

"H He  kiiilled Mmum." Aneesa said in between sobs as Zara began to pat her back & waited for the fair lady to continue.

"He wanted to sacrifice me for his cult.. mum lost 4 of her children, I was supposed to be the fifth one when mum began suspecting his moves. She approached him and paid for it with her life. I need to find Adam, Batoul!" She said squeezing Zara's arm tightly. "Adam was yonger but he saved me Batoul. He tricked dad's men and was caught instead of  me. Why would he do that to me? I can't even save him now & he's my responsibility!"

Aneesa was taking the blame for what happened 8 years ago and she wasn't taking it well. Zara was surprised at the out by burst of emotions because Aneesa was the cold type. She was living inside the walls she built...

All this while.

"If your father was going to use you for the sacrifice what's making you think Adam is still alive?!" Zara asked as lightly as she could while patting the taller ladies back. She didn't want to scare Aneesa but she had to ask.

"Bauma's only sacrifice a girl child." Aneesa replied squeezing the yonger cadget tight & Zara felt her pain.....Her friend had lost 5 important females in her life....

Including her mother.


"Aneesa they know we are here!" Zara said as quiet as possible to her friend. They were shot with some strange syringe out of nowhere. It was aimed at Aneesa but it hit Zara as she shoved Aneesa to the side making it hit her arm instead. She could see the panic and anger in Aneesa's eyes before everything blacked out.

Hy loves❤️❤️
My updates are going to be taking time because I've resumed a new semester + less time ❤️
To all of you giving my piece a try❤️....I love you all🌈

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