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3 years later......

Nigerian defence academy,Kaduna......

The night was very cold as it was the last week in December. Zara had been in the defence academy for 3 years and nothing more challenging had ever came her way. Been away from  Mum zeena for long who now had a daughter 'Zaina' together with her long lost love Ashraf, Zara now literally had a sister/daughter & she couldn't be more happy.

"You know Batoul.... I really have to get Adam back." Aneesa, Zara's co-mate / new best friend said after a sigh. The were lying on top of a rock they found within the NDA but off sight in the school. It was their peace zone. They made fire with some dry woods within the area, they had a basket that contained what they need for their stay probably till the morning. And beneath the rock was a small lake. Aneesa had made her realize the peace that works with nature and she couldn't be more grateful. They had deep talks about alot things. they both appreciate each other's flaws.

Aneesa was a tall fair lady in her early 20's. She was 2 years older than Zara. Her hair was brown, it was always braided all back with the aid of Zara off course. The length barely touched her chest.

Zara gazed at the taller girl lying besides her. "We have to get alot of things done." She simply replied with more meaning to her words. She had alot of things undone and killing the head of the Baji's was one of them. He had made her and orphan ruthlessly at a very tender age and  he was secretly watching after her somewhere. He had made her grew with a fake name... Zara.....He had made her grow with fear as a result of events she had witness at her tender age which was the back bone of her panic attacks. He was the reason for making her almost mentally unstable.

Amir was right....
Everything about her was fake!
Even your name is fake!
Everything about you is fake!

Amir has been right...

She shut her eyes tight crawling into Aneesa's body warmth.

Amir/Ahmad was suprisingly someone she couldn't get over. When she thought of everyone back home she also thought of him.

Dou the moment they spent together was silly, meaningless and mostly a coincidence.... They were still stuck in her head. The way his orbs bore into hers with a hint of admiration and jealousy... No one had ever looked at her like that. His fair tanned body and serious cute face.... she was foolish not to try to work things out him. She was indeed foolish and arrogant when she was younger.

"I hope he's not even married.."

"What was that?... Batoul?" Aneesa gazed at the smaller frame besides her smirking.

"I didn't just say that out loud"
Zara said covering her face with both hands embarrassed.

"Yes you did Batoul! You were daydreaming about Amir right?!" Aneesa said in a teasing tune which earned her a smack from a suddenly shy zara off course Aneesa knew about Amir. Zara trusted this lady with her life and she had no genuine reason for it. Aneesa had insist on calling Zara with her birth name 'Batoul' instead of her cover name 'Zara'.

"You know I think you should just search for him....you told me fauza was his cousin right? She would have his contact or something." Aneesa said irregardless of the smack she got

"He is just a fantasy neesa"

"A fantasy you could make yours



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