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3rd person pov

The drive home was so awkward as Zara stared at the two couples at her front annoyingly.

"we can explain... " Brad muttered in his deep voice

"Everything!" Zara replied hugging her arms while looking at her side.

"the drama back there what was it for? " She Snapped some seconds later.

"okay calm down " Aneesa said demonstrating with her hands as she sucked a breath down. Brad looking at her from the corner of his eyes as he took a turn to the right.

"we had to stage that so the FBI thinks I broke in and seized the evidence which I  actually did. Brad just helped with an escape route."

"but they are going to come for you.... " Zara muttered underneath their breath .

"Not when I have something they don't want people to know about "
She smirked.

Understanding her friend didnt want to go further, she asked, "For how long?"


"you and Brad"

"Oh well.... A couple of months now " she blushed.


Zara stared at the two phones tossed besides her,  she was sitting at the edge of her bed, her leg folded while she caressed her stomach.  She thought the FBI were not doing anything but it was a different story entirely.  The kidnappers were not giving them any clues.  They had come specifically for ummi, they needed something from Amir or Jameela, she thought letting a sigh afterward.

Zara though about the possible trauma Ummi could be going through and that was when she felt her cheeks wet.....

She cleaned her face hearing the footsteps she knew well approaching her, faded scent of his perfume hit her nose that was when she lifted her head up to meet that of her ex husband... Amir

He was so unkept. Dressed in baggy trousers and grey shirt, his hair was really messy, his beard were growing fast and the dark circles around his eyes showed that he has not being sleeping for days. She stared at him with pity in her eyes while he put his weight down besides her...

"I thought the police had my phone " he broke the tensed silence between them.

"Neesa and I thought we could figure something out..... "

"I was able to somehow trace the car number.... " Amir said staring into the blank.

"it was registered by a someone called 
Umair.....who claimed the car was stolen few months back away from him " He shut his eyes while Zara moved her fingers to caress his arm but stopped.

"what do we do now? " she said almost unheard.......

"We need to go somewhere." He said plainly.

Without asking she grabbed a black veil as I was wearing a purple gown and fit her shoes in a hurry while they left the house .

The drive was silent.... Their was tension in the air as Amir tried to stay focused on the road. It was an irregular route for Zara...Unnoticed by Amir she pulled out her cell phone and texted Aneesa.

Three hours on route, with Amir throwing her glances then and now the car came to a stop making Zara take the environment in. It was peaceful and full of nature but her instincts kept telling her something was not right.

"Where are we at?" She asked seeing Amir turn off the engine and stepping out...

"I got a lead that ummi was here..." He replied plainly getting her out of the car.

"But you could have told me, things don't get done this way!....we have no security nor any self-defense tool! We have no idea who we are facing Amir! You've lost it!" She said trying to suppress her anger still. She didn't understand a thing about facing the kidnappers this way. Her mind wandering to alot as  Amir took the lead while she refused to move a step sending glares on Amir's back.

"You're coming or not" Amir asked emotionless.

"You could have came with Jameela or any of her army family! Why are you risking our lives?"

He moved a step closer to her....he knew this lady well, he could convince her to do anything he thought.
He brought her hand and lay it on his chest while staring at now teary confused eyes.

"Because I choose you....because I trust you...." He said letting a breath out and closing his eyes for a while before practically dragging her into the nature full of tall spaced trees with evergreen leaves while she glared at his back still.

By now they were both panting due to tiredness. Zara resisted many times along the way but Amir won't just let her go. Soon enough they were spotting a ware houses, while Zara stared at the place surprised... Why would anyone build so many ware house in the middle if no where, she thought..

"Amir why are we here?!"

" to save ummi!" His grip on her wrist tightened as he shoved her into one of the ware house they first approach.

"Amir what ever you're doing now is not correct!" She yelled felling her legs getting weaker with each step they took. She had already lost one of her shoes without noticing till she stepped on a torn.
Who approaches a kidnappers den this way she thought as she tried to fight herself from the turned monster grabbing her.

"Amir 4 life's are going to be in danger including ummi!" She cried out and kept quiet immediately knowing she almost spill a big secret  and a concentrated Amir didn't even notice.

" I'm sorry" he said shoving her into the middle of the spaced Hall.

Out of instincts she brought her other hand to soothe  where Amir had his tight grip on her while she takes the environment in. Purely made of wood with cartons piled up to the roof from the well cemented floor by the right side of the big Hall and a steps indicating their was a floor above them.

"Why are we here?" She asked again looking up to Amir while he began to take steps away from her.
Struggling with the veil that covered her hair that was braided into two backwards she let it fall down her not so fragile weak Arms.

Sounds of hill shoes clicked dominantly against floor making both the couples turn to where the sound was coming from. From the stairs.

Then an excited ummi ran toward both the couples shouting her step mother's name, but suddenly got terrified and started screaming her dad's . Zara who already squat ready to take ummi in her arms was moved by a sudden change of expression the little girls face making her head turn towards Amir.

But it was already late... He was already been hit by log on his head by a masked man. The impact knocking him off as blood splashed out his mouth, gravity denying his body.

It was a lot to take in, Shouts of Ummi distracted her from Amir...the little girl was being taken away now by some masked men Zara didn't know where they appeared from.

"Stoppp!" She made a move towards her step daughter but her veil ended up strangling her legs making her trip over in pain her hand immediately finding her abdomen while her breath was threatening to seize.

"Ya Allah" she cringed . she never dreamed of this day. Sounds of hills clicking on the cold floor heading towards her, stopping in front of her face. Her eyes traveled upwards on the 6 inches red stiletto meeting fair toned skinned elegant limbs to an hour shaped body in a red knee length dress, a black leather jacket on her shoulder, Hair falling over her shoulders to meet the face of a person she had craved to see again even dou they ended on bad terms.

But the stiletto was used to push her face back on the floor..... Ummi's Cry's and struggles in the background.....

"Long time no see tiger" the voice said.


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