Part 1

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Arjun and his friends had just arrived at a night club.  It had been a long day at work and Arjun had plans of just relaxing,sitting back  having a few drinks and if he met a few pretty girls that would just be an added bonus.  That was until she walked in... when he first saw her he couldn't help but stare.  She was beauitful.  Long wavy black hair falling half way down her back, delicate features, full lips and then she smiled...WOW.   She was wearing a black fitted halter dress going to mid thigh with minimal make-up and just long dangly earrings as jewellry.  No denying it she was stunning and there were many guys in the place that felt the way he did.  She came in with a crowd of friends, guys and girls making lots of noise...already looking quite intoxicated.

Arjun and Romit were at the bar when she walked over with some friends.  A path cleared quite quickly for this new girl that no one recognized but wanted to know.  The girls reached the bar and pretty much cut Arjun off as he was about to order.  Before Arjun could say something Romit holds out his hand and introduces himself.    The GIRL barely gives him a glance, rolls her eyes and looks at her friends smirking.  WHAT A B***H Arjun thought to himself and just as he's about to let her know what she can do with her attitute Romit offers to buy her a drink!  SHE looks at Romit with a glint in her eyes and a smile on her face..."you want to buy me a drink...sure" she says,  She places the order and points to Romit saying to the bartender.."he's paying"  Romit nods his head like a little puppy agreeing to whatever she says.    With a toss of her hair and a thanks she's gone with her entourage behind her.  The bartender in turn hands Romit a bill for 4000 Rupees!   Turns out she or now Romit treated her whole group and left the bartender a 500 rupee tip!  Now usually Arjun would laugh at Romit for being so dumb but this time Arjun was livid.  Who did this girl think she was?!   To top it off Romit didn't have that kind of money so Arjun ended up picking up the tab. 

Arjun calmed himself down, telling himself forget it, enjoy the evening.  Soon Arjun found himself talking to a pretty girl who was ofcourse showing a lot of interest.  But as the night progressed his attention would keep shifting to HER.   It was hard not to look at her, the way she danced, she was amazing, her moves, her grace, her laughing face, her confidence.      She was stunning and Arjun found that his eyes would continuously drift over to her.  But he also noticed that any time a guy would approach her to dance her and her group would chase him off usually by embarrasing him in some way.  Seeing this was making Arjun mad...why he didn't know...but it just bothered him.  The whole club was talking about this new group and about the stunning girl who seemed to be the centre of this group.  They didn't seem to be from here, foreigners some people were saying. 

Arjun had enough of hearing about this arrogant girl and thought  I'm going home.  He got up and said bye to his friends and then walked over to the bar to settle his tab.  At  that very moment the GIRL walked over to get another drink.  Side by side they stood and as he looked at  her he found himself asking "you think quite highly of yourself don't you?"  The girl turned towards Arjun and looked him up and down and with a smirk she said "Yes I do and I'm not interested".  Arjun was shocked "Excuse me I'm not asking if you're interested in me infact I'm not interested in you".  You've got a spoiled arrogant little rich girl syndrome going on and it isn't attractive.  SHE  turned to him her eyes blazing "EXCUSE ME!"  "Who the hell do you think you are?"  By this time people had started noticing and their friends had surrounded them.  The GIRL's friend came over and asked if this "LOSER" was bothering her.  Arjun took a step towards the guy when he heard HER response .."Don't worry I know just how to handle this loser,  he's not understanding in plain English that  I'm not interested in little boys like him so I'll have to explain it to him in a different way.   At this she grabbed a full glass of alcohol and threw it in Arjun's face.  Arjun was shocked and then livid, it took 4 of his friends to hold him back.  The GIRL and her friends walked away laughing.

Arjun  didn't have drinks thrown at him, girls didn't turn away from him.  Infact he didn't chase them, they chased him.  So for this girl to make it seem like she was rejecting his advances..advances that he didn't even make..and then to throw a drink at him.  He had never felt so much rage and hatred towards someone.  No one made a fool out of Arjun Singania.  If it was the last thing he did he would make sure she paid for what she had done.


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