Part 31

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Arjun looked up at the sound of Arohi's musical laughter.  He sat with Ishaan, Sanchit and Raj.  Ishaan and him discussing a business venture that Ishaan was interested in pursuing with him in India.  But at the sound of Arohi's laughter Arjun paused. He could see her and Aria huddled together like two little school girls sharing  a secret.  His Arohi looking lovely in a yellow and silver sari. 

"Let's go upstairs." Arohi whispered to Aria. "And I'll tell you the rest."  They got up and giggling like two little girls went up to Arohi and Arjun's bedroom.  Arohi grabbed Aria's hand and pulled her to the sofa.  "It was amazing Aria." she said in excitedly.  "He was so attentive and so gentle and sometimes not so gentle." Arohi said giggling.  "If I had known it would have been this good I would have let him make love to me months ago." Arohi said with a cheeky smile.  Aria giggled and hit her on the arm.  " No you wouldn't have!" she said.  "But nevertheless the candles and roses it just sounds so romantic." said Aria dreamily.  "It was" Arohi said sighing.  Both girls stared dreamily off into space.  "I used to imagine the first time Kabir and I made love."  Aria said softly.  Arohi looked at her.  "It's funny, more then him I used to picture the room, the bed, the candles."  "Him, I don't think I ever pictured him."  "Aria," Arohi said "I'm sorry I've been so hung up on the wedding I haven't talked to you about how you're doing."  "I'm such a bad friend." Arohi said.  "No, your aren't." Aria said hitting her arm.  "You're the best friend."  "I don't miss him." she said, "I miss the idea of him."  "The  idea of a husband and a happily ever after."  "I don't miss him." she said emphasizing the last word.  Arohi looked at her friend. " Don't look at me like that" Aria said.  "Like what? Arohi asked. "With those sad eyes."  "I'm fine, I really am."  "I promise."  "Besides, I don't want to talk about this or anything negative right now."  "Let's concentrate on the happy." "Which is you and Arjun." Aria said smiling. 

Arohi smiled back at her big hearted friend, always thinking of others.  The girls talked and laughed some more and then made their way back downstairs joining the everyone else.  Arjun looked up as Arohi walked in and sat down next to him.  "Hi gorgeous." he said softy as he slipped his arm around her shoulder. Smiling, Arohi leaned into him.  "You two are so cute." Priya said with a wistful smile.  "I want a guy just like jiju, someone who loves me as much as jiju loves di."  Sanchit threw a pillow at Priya.  "All day long, all you think about is romance."  "If you spent as much time on your school work as you did on daydreaming about your prince charming you probably would have your degree by now."  Priya threw the pillow back at her brother.  "Bhai!"  "I study plenty!" she said pouting.  Everyone laughed.  "Dinner's ready." Arjun's mom called.  Everyone got up and as Arohi took a step Arjun grabbed her arm.  Arohi raised her brows, watching everyone else go ahead of them.  "Arjun, let go!" she said sternly glancing back at everyone's retreating backs.  "Wait a minute." Arjun said pulling Arohi against him.  "Arjun, we have a house full of guests." Arohi said struggling against him.  "And we're newlyweds." he reminded her as he bent down and kissed her neck. 

"When will dinner be over? he asked still kissing her neck.  "When will dinner be over?!"  "It hasn't even started yet!"  said an exasperated Arohi  Arjun sighed.  "I love our families but I'm glad we're going back to Mumbai."  "All day, between my sisters and mom and dad, and your family,  I've barely been able to spend 5 minutes alone with my wife."  Arohi looked at Arjun as he pouted.  "Arjun ji, we have a whole lifetime to spend together." Arohi said struggling.  "Let's go up to our room." Arjun whispered into her ear as he bit her ear lobe. Arohi's eye widened.  "Have you lost your mind?" she asked. 

"Arjun," "Arohi" she could hear her mother in law calling.  "Let go," "let go" Arohi said struggling and as she heard her Mother in laws voice come closer.  "In a second." Arjun said as he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.  Then suddenly he let her go.  Arjun looked down at a flustered Arohi.  "We're coming mom." Arjun said as he heard his mom call them again.  Grabbing Arohi's hand he pulled her in the direction of the dining room.  He looked completely calm like the kiss hadn't effected him at all whereas Arohi was left all hot and bothered.   

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