Part 21

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Arohi came out of her room. Her hair still wet from her shower.  She wanted to wish Rashi a happy birthday before anyone else.  Rashi had been so good to her, and in the past few months she had become a little sister to her.  As she rushed out of her room she almost collided with Arjun.   He looked up as Arohi's wet hair slapped against his face.  "Ow" he yelled.  Arohi stopped long enough to shrug her shoulders and hurry away to Rashi's room.  "Happy Birthday!" she yelled as Rashi opened her bedroom door yawning.  "Arohi, you remembered" she said smiling.  "You're the best."  Arohi threw her arms around her and squeezed her tight.  "Of course I remembered."  "What kind of friend would I be if I had forgotten your birthday."   "I have the most amazing gift for you."  "You will love it."   "Get ready and come down.  I'm having your favorite dishes made for breakfast."  Rashi squealed and ran back into her room.  

Arjun had heard everything.  DAMN it was Rashi's birthday today.  He'd been so preoccupied with his anger towards Arohi that he'd forgotten Rashi's birthday altogether.  Arohi walked by him swinging her hips.  Ignoring him completely.  If Arohi gave Rashi a gift at breakfast and he didn't, he was going to look like a complete ass.  But where was he going to find a gift at this time of morning.  He went back to his room to get ready and to curse Arohi for being so organized. 

Arohi got ready, wearing a buttercup yellow sleeveless fitted cotton suit with white thread work around the the deep neck and scattered throughout.  She wore a white sheer pajami with it and a yellow and white duppata hung around her neck.  She had taken parts of her hair, braiding it from each side and then bringing it all together in a low ponytail in the back.  .  She wore yellow and white glass chooria on both arms, they jingled as she ran around putting a bouquet of pink roses into a vase for Rashi.

Arjun came down the stairs and stopped.  Arohi hadn't seen him yet so he could have a good long look.  She looked gorgeous..  She was rushing around making everything perfect for Rashi.  Why was she working so hard when she had made it clear that there was no future for them, he thought bitterly.  Arohi looked at Arjun as he walked towards her and looked away.  He looked so handsome, wearing a pair of cargo khaki shorts and a pink Ralph Lauren polo.  The collars  up.    "Just what do you think you're doing?"  Arjun snapped.  "What does it look like I'm doing?" Arohi snapped back.  "It looks to me that you're trying a little too hard to impress Rashi. " "Why, I'm not quite sure."  "Why are you working so hard at being friendly with my sister?" 

Arohi was livid. "How dare you." she yelled,.  "Rashi is my friend.  I think of her as a little sister."  "Birthdays are special and they should be done right!"  "I want to do this for Rashi because I care about her."  "The world doesn't revolve around you, and besides Rashi was my friend even before I fell in love with you!"  Then Arohi stopped.  Arjun stared back at her.  "Yeah but will Rashi still be your friend now that you've fallen out of love with me?"   With that he turned around and stalked to the family room.  Arohi pulled out a chair and sat down.  Every confrontation with Arjun was taking a toll.  She didn't know how much of this she could take.

Rashi ran down the stairs with a big smile on her face.  "This is all for me?" she giggled happily looking at the balloons and flowers around the breakfast table.  "All for the birthday girl." Arohi said smiling.  Arjun sauntered back into the dining room.  "Happy Birthday little sis." he said, giving Rashi a big hug.  "Thanks Bhai."  They all took a seat around the table.  Arjun tried to shove the balloon next to his chair out of his face.  Was it necessary to have so many balloons he thought glaring at Arohi.  "Yummy, all my favorites." Rashi said looking at the different dishes.  "I told you, today is all about you." Arohi said taking a sip of her coffee.  "Thanks...bhabhi" Rashi said cheerfully.  Arohi and Arjun both choked on their drinks.  "Bhabhi?" Arohi said looking at Rashi.  "Yes bhabhi, I don't know why I didn't call you that before, but it just seems right."  "I'm sure you and bhai will be getting married soon."  Arohi heard Arjun drop his cutlery onto his plate with a big clang.  

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