Part 22

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Arjun turned over to his side and groaned.  The pounding in head was unbearable.  Why the hell had he drank so much?  The answer came quickly...AROHI.  And what was that chomping sound he heard.  It was so loud, he thought to himself.  Groaning again, he opened one eye and then the other.  There sat Arohi, cross-legged next to him on his bed biting into an apple. 

He closed his eyes and turned away from her. "Get out Arohi," he said softly.  "Good morning sleepy head" she said cheerfully.  "Must you screech into my ear?" Arjun asked grinding his teeth.  "Oh sorry, good morning baby."  "How are you feeling?" Arohi asked in a half whisper.  "How do you think I'm feeling?" he snapped.  "Not so good?" she said sympathetically.  "No, not so good.  I feel like I just had a semi steam roll over my head."  "Last time I checked, that was not so good!"  "Oh my poor baby" she said cooing at him.  "I am not your baby.  Now can you please get out and let me die in peace."

"Sure but then this advil and coffee will go with me." she taunted.  Arjun looked back at her wincing from the throbbing in his head.  Even glaring at her hurt.  He slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard.  Arohi held out 2 advils and a glass of water.    Then passed him the cup of coffee.  He took everything scowling at her.   "Coffee helps, believe me coffee definitely helps. she said  "You would know." he said sarcastically.  "You've been in my position numerous times."  "You know what Arjun your rude comments have no effect on me today, because today I am very very happy." 

"Aren't you going to ask why I'm happy?"  "Nope, don't care.  I'm not in the mood for your drama right now.  See that doorknob he said pointing at his door...use it."  With that he started to lay back down.  "No No, Arjun I want you sitting up for this ."   "First I wasn't going to say anything, but now I've decided what the hell.  What's there to hide."  "Might as well tell you."  "Arohi, I swear if you don't shut up I'm going to..."  I love you" she said giving him a lopsided smile.  "You look so cute when you try to scare me.  Too bad it has no effect on me" she said cheerfully.   "But good try."  "Next time you try to threaten me maybe scowl a little more dangerously. That might scare me...oh who am I kidding."  "That's not going to scare me either."  Arohi said giggling to herself.  Arjun stared at her  like she'd lost her mind.

"Anyways back to what I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me."  "AROHI," Arjun warned his face turning red with anger.  "Calm down Arjun, so much anger isn't good for your blood pressure." " If you don't learn to control your anger now, what are you going to do when we have kids?"  "I can already tell you our kids are going to be very mischievous."  "Do you know how I know this? Well I'll tell you."   "My mom says I was the most mischievous child in the neighborhood."  "Didn't listen to anyone.  I used to beat up the the other kids."  Arohi smiled and shook her head as if she was remembering a fond memory.  "Were you a naughty child Arjun?" she asked turning towards him and then answering her own question.  "Ofcourse you were, look at how naughty you still are?" she said winking at him.  "But usually only with me..."  "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP AROHI!"  Arjun yelled and then grabbed his head groaning in pain.

 She was trying to kill him he thought.  Arohi stared at him with a big smile on her face, but as he looked back at her she quickly changed it to a pout.  "Arjun, I don't understand you.  You want me to whisper but you yourself are yelling."  Arjun glared back at her.  "Anyways what was I saying, oh yes so I've been doing some serious thinking and I don't think we should tell anyone we broke up yet."  "Why?" he asked suspiciously.  "Well because in a week or two we're going to have to tell everyone we're back together."  "Honestly it's just so tedious."  "I don't want to be labelled as one of those on again, off again couples." she said rolling her eyes.  "We're not getting back together again Arohi."  Arohi, looked at him and burst out laughing like he'd said the funniest thing.  "Arjun," she said shaking her head.  "You're so funny..ofcourse we're going to get back together again."  "You're angry, and you have every right to be angry.  But I'm going to win you back.  I'll prove to you that I'm worthy of your love."  Coming closer she kneeled down beside him touching his face.  Even as he pulled away.  "I know you don't like me very much right now,"  she said softly. But one day I know the love you felt for me, and I think deep down still feel for me,  It'll return and we'll be happy again. " 

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