Part 5

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Arohi was shaken by what she had felt in her room.  Arjun had been so close, she almost let him kiss her, hell she wanted him to kiss her.  She would never admit it to him ofcourse but she almost wished her cousin hadn't interupted them.  Arohi shook her head...what are you thinking she thought to herself.  "You don't like this guy"!  Arohi quickly busied herself with her cousins so that she wouldn't think of "him".    She walked back to the mandip as the wedding was coming to an end.  Shefali was a married woman now.  Everyone was very happy, and close family was a little teary  eyed. Arohi was standing next to her mom who was busy discussing something with her chachi when an older lady came over and stood beside Arohi.  She was looking Arohi up and down with a big smile on her face.  Arohi glanced at her and was trying to pretend she didn't notice the rude woman.  Just as Arohi had had enough and was about to say something the woman spoke up.  "You're very pretty",  Thanks said Arohi feeling akward.  "Can you cook" said the woman in the next breath.  Arohi looked at her shocked.  "do you know how to manage a household?  came the next question.  Arohi was starting to get mad now, what kind of questions were these she thought.  Arohi's mom is busily talking to Arohi's aunt and does not notice Arohi is nudging her do something.  "We want a bahu who is going to take good care of our Chikoo.  She must stay home we don't want a career minded bahu, she must cook his favorite dishes, we have a cook but what use is a daughter in law in a house if she can't cook for her familty.  Arohi's face is turning red, she feels her blood pressure start rise, oh she was going to tell this lady exactly where her and chikoo could go.    But she never got that far, instead she hears a familiar voice say "Auntiji are you asking if Arohi can cook....she is a master chef.  She will keep you and your whole family well fed with many different foods.  Arohi looked at the "devil" infront of her. Whoelse but Arjun Singhania.  Arohi would make you the perfect bahu, she is so well mannered, you can barely even hear her voice she speaks so softly.  Your wish would be her command.  The woman is smiling.    She looks at Arohi.  My Chickoo has gotten so slim, he needs someone who will take good care ofhim.  "Oh there he is" she points to the buffet table.  Arohi and Arjun both look over and see what looks to be a 300 lb man stuffing his face with ludoos.  " Isn't he handsome" she says.  Arohi doesn't need to look over at Arjun to see that he's laughing so hard he's shaking.  He's choking on his laughter and Arohi wishes she could reach over and really choke him.  I will speak to your mom about this rishta.  I wasn't sure about your foreign girls but now that I've spoken to you I see that you might be good enough for my Chickoo.  As she walks away Arohi is shocked..did this just happen to her?!   Arjun ofcourse bursts out laughing.  Arohi is ready to murder him, laughing at her expense, how dare he?!  "SHUT-UP ARJUN" she says.  "What I was just helping you find a good rishta was his cheeky reply and then he  starts laughing again.  Arohi pushes him aside and walks away.  What does he think of himself, I'm going to teach him a lesson he won't forget she thought.

Lunch is being served and Arohi and her cousin's walk over to where Jai Jiju's friends are all sitting.  Arjun is sitting in the middle of the group. and they are all laughing away at something.  Probably at one of Arjun's stupid jokes Arohi thinks to herself.  Arohi puts a sweet smile on her face and in her hands she carries a very special plate of sweets.  "hi guys" she says.  The guys instantly stop talking and focus on her.  "We've brought some sweets for you to try Arohi says with a flirty smile,  The guys instantly start straigtening up, reaching for the sweets, giving her smiles, thanking her.  Guys are so easy to manipulate she thought to herself!  Ofcourse the "monster" just looked at her suspiciously not taking anything.  "Arjun-ji "please have a ladoo I brought them especially for you." Arohi says batting her eyelashes at him.  Arjun JI, Arjun thinks to himself.   Okay something was definetly fishy here.  "Is it okay if i sit down here" she says and the guys practically trip over themselves making room for her. "Oh thank you so much Arohi gushes at them.  She sits down next to Arjun, much to close to Arjun.  What was she up to he thought.  Oh let's see what was I saying, oh yes ArjunJI I think we got off on the wrong foot.  "I'd like for us to start again." This is a peace offering she says as she hands him a ladoo.  Arjun-JI wasn't born yesterday.  Not so fast Arohi-Ji how do I know you haven't done something to this ludoo.  Arohi just shakes her head with a sad smile.  "ArjunJi, it breaks my heart that would  mistrust me like this."  I just wanted to be friends since you are jiju's friend I thought we could let bygones be bygones.  Arjun's friends started harassing him, "come on Arjun, she's being so nice, just eat it." don't be an idiot".  Then Arohi  takes a ladoo off the plate and takes a bite.  "See it's fine", she tells the guys to eat their's and they're fine too.  Arjun suspicious as ever, puts down the ladoo she had given him and grabs another one off the plate.  He looks at her with a smile and pops it into his mouth, biting down.  Oh my god HOT HOT HOT, his mouth was on FIRE.  Arohi jumps up out of his way as Arjun spits out the ladoo.  WATER, WATER get me some water he yells.  As someone hands him a jug of water, all Arjun could hear is her laughter, her loud laughter.  Arjun looked up at her laughing face.  How could someone that looked like an angel be such a shedevil he thought as he yelled for another jug of water.

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