Part 34

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"Arjun you robbed me blind tonight."  Romit said looking at his empty wallet.  "It's called strategy my friend."  Arjun said hitting Romit on the back.  "Right!" Romit said as the other guys laughed.  "Though you were on a role tonight." Rick said getting up.  "I had some lady luck today." Arjun said smiling.  His lady's luck.  Speaking of which, where was Arohi?  As far he knew Rashi and her were just going for dinner, maybe they went out to a lounge or something afterwards.   Shrugging he turned his attention back to his friends.  "Okay guys I'm going to get going" Rick said. One by one all the guys left, promising to get their money back from Arjun at the next poker night.  As Arjun was about to shut the door Rashi walked in.  Smiling at her he let her in and then looking behind her his brows furrowed.  "Where's Arohi?" he asked.  "Bhabhi cancelled on me tonight."  "So I went out with some friends instead."  Rashi answered.  "I thought she would be at home."  Arjun stared at her.  "What?"  "That makes no sense."  he said.  "It's after 1:00."  "Where could she be?"  He had just picked up his phone to call her when Arohi walked into the house.  "Babe, where have you been?"  Arjun asked walking to Arohi.  "Out!" she answered turning away from him, and to Rashi.  "Rash, I'm sorry for cancelling last minute."  "It's okay."  Rashi said smiling.  "I'm going to head up to bed.  "Good night"  "Good night" Arjun said not taking his eyes off Arohi.  Something was wrong, he thought as he looked at her rigid back.  Not turning back around Arohi ran up the stairs and into their room.  Arjun watched from the bottom of the stairs.  Everything was fine when she left the office this afternoon.  Maybe something happened at the Empress, he thought as he walked upstairs.  Walking into their room, he saw Arohi rummaging through the closet.  He walked over and wrapped his arms around her.  Arohi stiffened and pushed him away. 

 "What's wrong?" he asked.  Arohi stared at him.   "What could be wrong?" she asked.  "I don't know Arohi"  Arjun responded.  "I know we didn't have a fight."  "Everything was fine, so you tell me what happened."  Arohi glared at him.  "I saw Megha today."   Arjun stared at her and then swore, raking his hand through his hair.  "I can explain that" he began.  "Don't bother!"  Arohi said.  "The time for explanations is over."  "Arohi, come on don't be like that."  Arjun said grabbing her arm.  "Let go!" she said glaring at him.  "And how would you like me to be?"   "I can't believe you would hide something like that from me."  Arohi said furiously.  "I wasn't trying to hide it."  "It's just that the timing was bad."  Arjun said.  "Timing was bad!"  "That's your excuse!"  "It's not an excuse."  "When it happened, I was going to tell you."  "I even came to Chandigarh early during our wedding so I could tell you."  "But you were so stressed I just didn't want to throw that at you."  "Then the wedding festivities and wedding, and then our honeymoon."  "Honestly by the time we came back home, I myself had forgotten about the incident." Arjun said.  "Nice, very nice." Arohi said sarcastically.  "Would you have a problem if some guy kissed me and I conveniently forgot to tell you about it?"  "Arohi!'  Arjun snapped.  "No, seriously?!"  "Would you have a problem with that?" she asked him.  "I would kill him."  Arjun said angrily.   "Yeah, and how would you feel about me keeping it from you?"  Arohi asked.  Arjun stared at her and then cautiously answered.  "I would be upset but I would listen to you and try to understand that you did it to protect me."  "You're full of it!" Arohi said pushing Arjun aside.  "Come on Arohi."  "It was a mistake made by Megha."  "I didn't even participate in the kiss."  "Once I knew her intentions I told her right away that I was not interested, and that I only love you, and that I couldn't continue working with her either." 

Arohi stared back at him.  "I know you love me!" She said.  "I have no doubt about that."  "I also know you have no feelings for Megha."  "That is not what I'm mad about."  "I'm mad because you didn't trust me enough to tell me."  "I'm not a fragile doll that  might break under the pressure of knowing someone else likes my husband."  "If you had told me I would have been mad, mad at Megha and maybe even a little sad for her because like I've told you before she really likes you."  "I can't blame her for that."  "But I can blame her for acting on it."  "But you, who I tell every little thing to, didn't tell me something so important."  Do you know how stupid I felt when Megha assumed that I knew."  "Why wouldn't she assume it, we are after all husband and wife."  It's not her fault that she thinks that trust should be important between a husband and wife.  Arohi said furiously.  "Arohi, you're reading way too much into this."  "This has nothing to do with trust."  "I was trying to protect you."  "RIGHT!"  she snapped.  "Come on Arohi, don't be one of those  of wives."  Arohi's eyes widened and instantly Arjun knew he'd gone too far.  But what could he do, this had nothing to do with trust.  Arohi was making it out to be something it wasn't.  "One of those  wives huh?"  "And exactly what does that entail.  "Should I be one of the those wives that looks the other way when her husband does something wrong."  "Maybe I should be one of those wives that only speaks when spoken too, the one that waits for  her husband to eat before she herself can eat.  "Is that what you wanted?" Arohi asked in a cold voice.  "Arohi, that is not what I meant!"  "I don't care what you meant."  "You're not sleeping in here tonight." she said picking up his pillow and shoving it at him.  "What?"  "You want me to sleep in another room?"  "Come on Arohi."  Arjun said trying to pull her to him.  "I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't have said all that."  " I didn't mean it."   "I'm sure you didn't." Arohi said pulling away from Arjun and then pushing him towards the door.  "OUT!"  "Right Now"  "Arohi, come on, I can't sleep without you."  "Well I guess you're going to have to learn." she said slamming the door on his face.  Arjun stood staring at the closed door.  Damn you Megha! he muttered to himself.  So much for it being a lucky night for him.  And if he knew Arohi he knew when it came to her he wouldn't be getting lucky any time soon. 

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