Part 32

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"Arohi, I've got the tickets." "Let's go," "We're going to be late for our flight."  "Coming." Arohi said out of breath.  Arjun walked into their bedroom to find Arohi sitting on her suitcase trying to close it.  "What are you doing?" he asked.  "Trying to shut my suitcase." she said as she strained to get the zipper zipped.  "How's that working for you?"  asked Arjun with his arms crossed across his chest.  "Fine" she said red faced.  "Arohi, get off that suitcase."  "We're only going for 10 days not 10 months."  "You don't need so much stuff."  "Arjun, we're going to Italy."  "Do you know how people dress there?"  "Very chic."  "I need to bring the right outfits."  "Arohi,  we are late."  "You need to get off of that suitcase right now and take half the clothing out too."  Arohi glared up at him.  "FINE!"  She finally said getting off of the suitcase.  Arjun watched as Arohi took out outfit after outfit.  "Are you kidding me?" he said as she returned a few more into her suitcase.  Moving Arohi aside he looked at the clothes inside.  "This is more then enough." he said as he quickly zipped the suitcase.  Seeing Arohi's pouting face he tried to appease her "I'm sure you'll want to shop there too, how will you bring things back if your suitcase goes full from here?"  Arohi's face lit up.  "You're right!"  "I didn't think about that."  "She quickly opened up the suitcase and took more things out.  Arjun shook his head.  Mention shopping, and you get a female to do anything.   "Ready!" she finally said.  "Good!"  Arjun said grabbing the suitcase.  "Let's go!"
We're in Venice Arohi thought to herself as she looked out at the canal.  They were taking a water taxi which would drop them off at their hotel.   Hotel Danieli, a hotel that was actually three linked palaces renovated and converted to a a 5 star hotel.  Arjun and Arohi were staying in the honeymoon suite over looking the grand canal in the more modern of the three palaces.    Arohi grabbed Arjun's hand and squeezed it tight.  "I can't believe we're actually here." she said.  "I've always wanted to come to Venice."  "Last time I was in Italy I only made it to Rome and Florence."  "I guess I was meant to come here with the love of my life." she said kissing his cheek.  Arjun smiled.  "I'm glad you waited for me."  "We have a lifetime of firsts for both us."  "Firsts that we'll experience together." he said leaning down and kissing her.  "I know." she said with a delighted smile.  "Hotel Danieli!" the driver of the ferry called out as the water taxi came to a slow stop.  "WOW" Arohi said as Arjun helped her out.  "It's so royal."  she said looking at the towering  buildings infront of her.  As they walked in, Arjun and Arohi were both taken aback by the soaring triple height Venetian Gothic Lobby.  "This is amazing," Arjun said looking around.  "Just look at the detail that went into something like this."  Arohi smiled.  She knew how much Arjun appreciated stunning architecture.  As Arjun checked them in, Arohi took in the beauty around her.  If this was the lobby, she wondered what their room looked like.  Arjun came back with a key card.  "We're staying in the Casa Nuova."  It's the second palace." he said taking her hand.  As they took an elevator up to their room Arjun put his arm around her.  "Happy?" he asked.  "Immensely."  she answered with a smile leaning into him. 

"It's this one." Arjun said stopping outside a door.  "Oh my god"  Arohi said as she walked into the suite.  "I love it"  She ran out to the balcony looking out at the Canal.  "How romantic is this?" she said as she walked back looking at the high ceilings with a 1930's grand chandelier hanging from it.  Deep red silk blackout drapes,  large marble fireplace with beautiful red velvet chairs sitting next to it.   Luxurious white linens on the bed.  "I absolutely love it." Arohi squealed jumping into Arjun's arms.  "I'm glad cause we'll be spending a lot of time here." he said as he gave her a soft kiss.  Arohi returned the kiss.  "I love you." she said tilting her head to one side.  Arjun smiled.  "I love you too."  "More and more every day, if that's even  possible." he said kissing her again.  Arohi pulled away and smiled.  "Should we go and explore?" she asked excitedly.    "Sure, but let's grab something to eat first."  "I'm starving."  "Okay let me change and then we'll go."  Arohi said excitedly.  She saw that their luggage had already been dropped off.  Grabbing a fitted knee length sleeveless linen pink dress with white and silver thread work on the bottom of it.  Arohi quickly freshened up and changed.  Arjun followed suit.  "Ready?" he asked.  "Yes" she said grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door.  Walking outside Arohi asked "What do you feel like?"  "Just something easy"  "Like Pizza." he said as his gaze settled on a pizza place.  "Pizza" she repeated practically drooling.  As they sat down and ordered a pizza and glasses of wine, Arohi looked around.  "There's so much hustle and bustle." she said. "I can't wait to explore every nook and cranny."  Arjun smiled at her excitement.  She was like a child in a candy store.  As their pizza came and they dug in Arohi moaned.  "This is so delicious," "Heaven!" she said taking another bite.  "Arohi, can you please stop moaning like that." Arjun said looking around uncomfortably.  Arohi stopped and burst out laughing.  "Oh you can say shameless things whenever you want."  "Do shameless things whenever you want"  "But I get a little extra excited over some pizza and that's embarrassing."  Arjun smiled sheepishly.  "It's just that I like to be the only one that makes you moan like that." he said as he bit into his pizza and gave Arohi a little smirk.    Arohi shook her head, smiling. 
 They finished their lunch and wandered down to  Piazza San ,Marco , ofcourse getting lost down various lanes and stopping every once in while for a stolen kiss.  Piazza san Marco was the main square in Venice.  It was surrounded by restaurants and shops aswell as Basillica of San Marco and the Doges Palace.  People and pigeons filled the square.  "Oh look someone's getting wedding pictures done." Arohi gushed as she pointed towards a newly married couple.  "Its so grand."  she exclaimed.  Arjun was taken in by her enthusiasm.  "Yeah, it's pretty amazing." he said taking in the beautiful buildings and rich history.  Seeing a little girl walk by with gelato, Arohi pulled Arjun along to a little gelato shop.  "I'll have a scoop of chocolate, hazelnut and strawberry please."  "Arjun what do you want?' she asked.  Arjun looked at her huge gelato cone.  "I'm not sharing." she said.  "Get your own."  Arjun laughed and shook his head.  "I'll have a scoop of the lemon."  "You mean a scoop of the coffee right?" she said licking her lips as she looked at the coffee gelato.  Arjun shook his head and laughed.  "I guess I'll have a scoop of the coffee."  Arohi licked her gelato and moaned again.  Gelato is the best thing ever invented. "  Arjun watched at she ate her gelato.  "Here let me try the coffee." she said tasting his.  "Yummy, good pick!"  "May I try yours."  Arohi looked at him and then her gelato.  "Fine." she pouted.  Arjun laughed.  "You're acting like a child, hoarding her sweets."  "So be it." she said. "Let's go."  They walked and explored and laughed some more.  Stopping off at one of many venetian mask stores , they picked out little trinkets as gifts for family.  

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