Part 26

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Arohi and Arjun stood at her bedroom door.  "Goodnight" Arjun said for the 3rd time leaning in for another soft kiss.  "Good night" Arohi said in reply.  "Maybe I should come in." Arjun said  leaning down for another kiss.  Arohi pulled away laughing.  "GOOD NIGHT ARJUN!"  She said giggling as she shut the door on his face. 

She had just had the best night of her life.  Arjun's proposal had been so romantic, she thought as she looked at the engagement ring on her finger for the 100th time that night.  She was going to be Mrs. Singhania, she thought twirling around the room.  And Arjun's song for her had been the cherry on top to make the evening absolutely perfect.  She couldn't  believe he had hid this talent from her.  The dinner had been absolutely delicious and then swaying in Arjun's arms to the sound of the surf had completed her perfect night.  She was going to marry the man she loved.  What could be more perfect then that, she thought.  As she readied herself for bed she decided not to tell the family until they got here.  She wanted to surprise everyone.  She knew her dad and Rudra uncle would be over the moon.  They did get their way after all.

As Arjun put on his t-shirt he played back the evening and Arohi's expression when he had proposed.  She had been so happy.  He knew she'd say yes, but still there had been a part of him that had been alittle nervous.   He'd called Arohi's dad before he had actually proposed, asking for her hand in marriage.  Suffice to say Arohi's dad had been ecstatic.  But  he'd told Arjun not to tell his dad.  He said he wanted to tell him on his own.  Arjun had been fine with that.  In a couple of days their families would be arriving and he knew, once they found out about the proposal the wedding planning would start.  Which he had no problem with, because now that the proposal was done he wanted to get married to Arohi as soon as possible.  He wanted to make Arohi his forever.

Arohi and Arjun were extremely busy the next two days.  Getting things done at work and for the hotel's grand opening and then ofcourse preparing for a houseful of guests.  Arjun teased her that she was already acting like a wife the way she bossed him around to do this, or finish that before all the "guests" arrived.  But Arohi did want everything to be perfect.  Especially with the grand opening.  Her dad and Rudra uncle had handed them a huge responsibility.  She just hoped they were happy with the results.

Arjun opened the door and started ushering everyone into the house.  In walked Arohi's parents, with a surprise for Arohi with them.  And Arjun's parents and his sister Sara.  And then the Chandigarh Ahluwalia clan.  Arohi's cousin's Riya, Sanchit, Raj, Priya and Sonia.  Plus her chacha, chachi and thaiyaji and thaiji.  When Arjun had seen everyone at the airport he had felt a little overwhelmed.  It was going to be a crazy few days in his home he thought smiling.  Arohi stood at the top of the stairs and as she saw her family walk in, she raced down the stairs and ran right into the arms of her dad.  "Dad, I missed you" she said with a smile on her face.  Then the hugs and kisses and laughter started.  Arohi was passed from relative to relative.  She was so lost in family that she didn't notice a special someone until a few minutes later.  And then she stopped.  "Aria," she said slowly.  Then she laughed with tears forming in her eyes and threw her arms around her best friend.  "You said you couldn't come?" she said through her teary laughter.   "I know, but Arjun convinced me." she answered.  Arohi turned towards Arjun and gave him a teary eyed smile and mouthing thanks.  

As Arohi showed everyone their rooms and got everyone comfortable she looked over at Arjun.  He was laughing with her cousin's and her chachu.  They had already excepted him into their fold, wait until they found out about the proposal.  After settling in and having lunch, everyone congregated in the family room.  Arohi sat down in the middle of the sofa, a cousin on each side.  "Priya can you pass me that magazine." she said pointing to the table.  Priya grabbed it for her.  Arohi made a big show of taking the magazine with her left hand, flashing her ring.  No reaction.  Priya didn't even seem to notice.  Arohi tried again.  "Thaiji, I love the embroidery on your sari." Arohi said outlining the work with her ring finger.  No reaction.   "Hmm," she thought.  Just then the housekeeper brought in the tea.  Arohi jumped up.  "Let me serve it." she said.  She again made a big production of waving her hand around as she poured the tea and served it.  Looking over at Aria, she saw Aria giggle.  Aria, ofcourse already knew about the proposal but she couldn't believe how clueless her usually perceptive famiyl was being.  She stood staring at everyone, her hands on her hips when she heard Riya scream.  Turning around she asked her in a panic "What's wrong?"  "Diii" she screeched again.  "What is that on your ring finger?"  Arohi smiled slowly. FINALLY!  " What she said looking at her ring finger."  Everyone was now staring at her with their mouthes open.  "Let me see, what could it be?"  "Could it be the diamond engagement ring Arjun gave me when he proposed." she said yelling."  "Everyone started screaming and laughing and hugging at once.  Arjun watched the craziness unfold and smiled ruefully.  This crazy family was now going to be his crazy family.  Arohi's Chachu came and patted him on the back.  Sanchit and Raj came and shook his hand.  Arjun glanced at his dad and was taken aback.  Next to him sat Arohi's dad and they both had smiles on their faces and Arjun's dad actually had tears in his eyes.  Arjun couldn't believe it and for a second he felt a knot in his throat too.  He was happy that his and Arohi's decision had made his dad so happy.    

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