Part 12

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About 7:00 pm

He moved so quickly she didn't even see it happen. He walked her back until she hit the wall and he was pressed against her. "I would rather save my crazy fiance sorry "Business partner." With that he leaned down and gave her a hard kiss on the lips and turned around and left the room. But before he left he delivered one last parting shot. "Stop trying to make me jealous with that tool Sunny. It's not working. " "He's a boy and you and I both know you need a real man. " And then he winked at her. Leaving Arohi once again at a loss for words.

Arohi watched Arjun leave and shook her head. What was happening here she thought. It seemed that since Arjun had come into her life she no longer had control of her emotions or actions. Either they were fighting or kissing! She was totally losing control. When she first agreed to go along with this "business partnership/engagement" she thought she would have the upper hand. But lately it seemed that Arjun was the one making the decisions, laying down the law. If things continued this way how was she ever going to work with him. He'd be bullying her and walking all over her. That would not do Arohi thought to herself determinedly. No more nice girl she thought. It was time to show Arjun who was boss. 

About 7:00 am the next morning.

Arohi didn't want to wake up. She felt so warm and cozy She burrowed deeper into her pillow trying to fall back asleep, except her pillow felt so hard. Was her pillow always so rock hard she thought drowsily. She was so warm, what was wrong wit her AC? She almost felt like the sun was shining down on her. But ouch, what was that thumping in her head. Arohi again tried to bury her face into her pillow trying to make the thumping stop but the pillow just wasn't giving. She slowly opened her eyes and then quickly shut them. Why was it so bright in her room? Then she listened, she thought she could hear something around the intense drums beating in her head. She thought she could hear water, and were those birds chirping in the background. What was going on here? Arohi tried opening her eyes again. This time slower. Once she'd focused, she found herself staring face first into a very naked male chest! A very large and defined male chest. Arohi gasped as she quickly pulled herself away from this chest. That was no pillow she thought miserably. The sudden movement made her dizzy. I think I'm going to be sick she thought as she closed her eyes again. Her mind was racing, and her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to come out of her chest. What have I done, What have I done she was thinking. Forcing herself to open her eyes she looked down and saw that she was wearing her bikini top and her skirt. She was on a very large chaise and oh my god...she was on the beach!!!!! How did this happen Arohi thought as she closed her eyes again. Taking deep breaths, she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes to see "who" the chest belonged to that she had been so cosily snuggling up to. 

Then she heard the words "hello sunshine" and her eyes flew open. There on the chaise lieing infront of her with just his shorts on and a cocky smile was Arjun Singhania!

Flashback to the previous night around 8:00 pm

Arohi came into the living room and saw that everyone was ready. Arjun was sitting out on the deck with his laptop and his phone to his ear. This was her chance she thought. "Let's go everyone" she whispered. Riya and Sanchit gave her an odd look. "Di why are you whispering?" Riya questioned. "I'm not whispering" Arohi said in a whisper. "Let's go, come on stop wasting time we have a party to get to." The group looked at eachother, some shrugging their shoulders at Arohi's absurd behaviour. "Natasha is still getting ready" Raj pointed out. Arohi gave him a glare. " We can't wait for her and besides she'll have her boyfriend Arjun to keep her company.

"Di aren't you forgetting something?" Priya asked as Arohi pushed everyone to the door glancing back at Arjun who seemed to be in a heated conversation with someone on the phone. Good she thought, now she could make her get away. "Di?!"Priya said again. "What?" Arohi asked impatiently glancing in Arjun's direction again. Priya pointed down at Arohi's feet." Arohi looked down past her white fitted tank top which she wore on top of a blue and white polka dot bikini, past her short flirty tourqoise blue skirt to her feet. "Oh" Arohi said, looking down at her feet. In her hurry she'd forgotten her flip flips. "Okay everyone go downstairs and be quiet I'll be down in 2 mins." she said. Arohi ran upstairs and grabbed her flip flops. and just as she was running out the front door she heard "where do you think you're going by yourself." Arohi looked back and saw Arjun standing there with his arms folded across his chest. "Nowhere, I mean somewhere...I mean...none of your business." Arohi said angrily. Arjun chucked to himself. "Are we really going to do this again Arohi?" he asked. "Fine" Arohi said almost stomping her foot. " Fine I'm going to a party and you're not invited." "Are you invited?" Arjun asked. "Ofcourse I'm invited." she said to him with a "are you an idiot" expression on her face. "Well then I'm invited." he said with a shrug. "Let's go." he said grabbing her elbow. "What, like this? Aren't you going to change?" she asked grabbing at straws. Arjun looked down at his khaki cargo shorts and royal blue Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt. What's wrong with what I'm wearing he asked. Arohi frowned, nothing damnit she thought in her head as she glared at him. He looked perfect! 

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