Part 20

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Arjun walked back into his office and slammed the door behind him.  He was so angry he couldn't think straight.   Of all the stupid harebrained thinks Arohi had said and done this one took the cake.  How dare she make such a major decision about their lives.  No discussion, nothing. Just like that, it's over.  Then she has the nerve to compare him with Kabir.  If he ever met this Kabir he was going to kick his cheating lying ass.  He's been moping around waiting for her and she'd been planning to break up with him.  Enough was enough, no more of these games.  If Arohi can so easily forget about everything they had together then so could he. 

Arohi splashed water on her face and then stared at herself in the bathroom mirror.  You're doing the right thing she said to herself.  Repeating it over again as it repeating it would actually make it true.  He's not good for you.  He could hurt you.  You don't really know him she said to herself.  But the little voice in her head kept getting louder and louder saying Arjun would die before he hurt her.  Arohi angrily walked out of the bathroom.  Her decision was made.  It was done now.  Walking into her office she avoided looking at Arjun's closed door.  The next 6 weeks were going to be very long and difficult.  Seeing him at home and at the office everyday was going to tear her apart.  But she would be strong and then she'll be back home and then she'll forget all about Arjun Singhania.  Just thinking that filled Arohi's eyes with tears.  If there's one thing she could be honest atleast to herself about, it was that she wouldn't ever forget Arjun.  You didn't forget your first love.  But as she wiped her tears she told herself she would get through this and the best way was to throw herself into her work.

Arjun had a similar plan.  The next two days he was the first in the office and the last to leave.  When he finally did get home Arohi would already be in her room, asleep he presumed.  He didn't want to see her.  Arohi for her part, spent most of her time on site at the hotel.  That was the one thing that was going well in her life.  There was a night and day difference in the look of the hotel and walking through it, she felt pride at what they had accomplished. 

Training was already in progress for the staff she's hired for the hotel.  She wanted top of the line customer service and was willing to pay above market wages to get the best people.  At the end of the day Arohi would fall into bed exhausted, but no matter how exhausted she was, thoughts of Arjun would plague her.  Thoughts that would make any chances of sleep disappear and make her heart ache for him.  Silent tears would slowly soak her pillow as she laid in the dark thinking of him.

Arjun looked up from his desk and saw Arohi for the first time since they're fight and break up.  She was talking to his assistant. and she looked beautiful.  Some of his anger had dulled replacing it with pain.  Pain everytime he thought of her.  Which was too often.  He stared at her, taking in her long hair which she wore open hanging down her back.  He took in her grey knew length pencil skirt that showed off her long toned legs and her sexy little shear sleeveless blue blouse.  Then he saw her smile at his assistant and he felt that familiar tug at his heart.  She had the most beautiful smile he thought ruefully.  Then he caught himself.  What the hell was he doing he thought angrily.  He forced himself to look away and get back to his work.

Arohi spent the day in the office attending various meetings.  She had plans to go to her kathak class tonight.  She was hoping that would tire her enough for her to finally sleep tonight.  As far as she could tell Arjun had already left for the day.  Thank god she wouldn't have to run into him.  Walking to the elevator she quickly sent Aria a text checking in on her.  As she looked up her heart stopped.  The elevator stood open with Arjun inside, looking right at her, while his assistant stood next to him.

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