Part 25

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Arohi's little vacation away had thankfully not had a negative effect on the hotel project.  She'd kept in constant contact with her project manager, and things were right on schedule.  They were planning a grand opening in 2 weeks time.  Her family was flying down from Vancouver to be there to support her and ofcourse her cousins were coming down from Chandigarh aswell.  Arjun's family would arrive at the same time making it a full house.  Arohi couldn't wait!  She was excited and nervous about everyone seeing the hotel and their reactions.  But Arjun reassured her telling her that everything was perfect.  Arohi wasn't afraid of hard work so upon her return back to Mumbai she threw herself back into the project making sure every detail was taken care of.  Amazingly Megha had ended up being a lot of help.  Arohi didn't trust her but she knew now why Arjun had hired her. 

Amidst all this came Radha and Rick's wedding.  The haldi event was being held tonight and the wedding tomorrow.  Arjun found Arohi standing infront of her closet, her brows furrowed staring intently at something.  He walked in and wrapped his arms around her waist  from behind.  "What are you looking at?"  "Nothing, I have nothing to wear" she said glumly.  Arjun looked at the overflowing closet.  There was enough clothing stuffed in there to dress 10 people.  Yet Arohi had nothing to wear.    But he didn't say anything.  This was one of those times that it was best to keep your mouth shut.  Arohi finally pulled out a emerald green sari, pulling away from him she held it against herself. "What do you think?  she asked.  "Great,"  he responded.  "You look sexy in saris"  Arohi rolled her eyes.  "That's exactly the look I'm trying to go for infront of Radha and Rick's parents.  Sexy!"  She shoved the sari back into her closet.   Arjun caught her hand, and pulled her to him.  "You could wear a nun's habit, be covered from head to toe and you would still look sexy." he said softly.  Arohi tried not to smile as he gave her one of his cheeky dimpled smiles.  "Arjun, are these the lines you used on your girlfriends before you met me?"  she asked in mock anger.  "Absolutely, their tried and tested"  "Huh," Arohi said pushing him away from her.  "Is that right, tried and tested."  "Let's hear some more of these tried and tested lines."  "Alright, if I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together."  Arohi burst out laughing.  "Okay a better one, You're legs must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night."  Arohi gagged at that one.  Swatting him with her hand.  "That one was really bad Arjun." " Please tell me you didn't use those cheesy lines on any one".     "Thank god you didn't use them on me, I would have kicked you to the curb the second one came out of your mouth."   

Arjun looked at her giving her a look so hot she felt her breath catch.   "Arohi Ahluwalia, I had you at hello." he said smirking at her.  Arohi put her hands on her hips and gawked at him.  "At hello huh?"  "Arjun Singhania don't think so highy  of yourself."  "You barely have me now" she said with attitude "and if you keep talking you definetly won't be having me anytime soon."  Arjun stared at this cheeky Arohi and grinned.  "You know I love a challenge Arohi." he said in his deep sexy voice. "You know how I love a challenge" he repeated as he reached for her.  Arohi stepped out of his reach.   

Arohi shook her head and gave him a mischievous smile. " I love a challenge too Arjun and I say you won't be able to catch me."    Arjun smiled appreciatively. "Very nice, I execpt that challenge, but let's make it interesting.  "What do I get if I win?" he asked.  "Whatever you want?"  Arohi answered moving towards the door.  "Think about it Arohi, you know I'm going to catch you."  "You know I will".  "Arjun you might have longer legs then me, but you've gotten soft sitting behind that office desk of yours all day long."  Arjun's jaw dropped open.  Soft huh, I'll show you soft he thought.  "Whereas, I'm on my feet all day at the hotel site"  "I take dance classes."  I am in excellent physical condition." She said flexing her arms.  "You're no match for me."  "And if I win, you won't like what I want. " she said with a smirk.    Arohi's eyes twinkled and Arjun smiled slowly. "You know Arohi, I'm going to give you a head start."  "Go, I'll count to 20 and then I'll come and find you and find you I will." he said in a soft voice.  Arohi smiled slowly. " If you don't catch me within 10 minutes I win." she said.  "This is a big house I'm going to give you quite a workout." she said turning around and running.

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