Chapter10 -June

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I knock on Aj's door with the two cups of juice. Matt opens it,"oh shit, sorry. Come, in must tell you something that is a matter of life and death." What?, " ok have something, juicy to say aswell," I answer holding up the cups one with the note on it still. I step inside, Aj is asleep on the couch. Her brother sitting next to her.  "Ok I'll make it short and sweet, and oranges I don't know,  so I was in my garden and this thing comes out of the bushes and i ran to town and back and when I got back theese two glasses of oragnge juice were sitting on the counter. This one with a note attached to from  Trismine." I show them the note. "Yeah, seems creepy. The only one that has yet to have a creepy occerence is, well J." Matt says handing the note form Trismine back to me. "I mean it makes no scence Trismine is a demon dragon! There just evil. Unless they know you then..." Matt stops talking and relization comes on his face. He looks at Aj. What is happening I'm a little scared now.

J. ands some boy comes inside wide eyed, " we know what happpened!  Oh hey Bj what you do'n here? What's with the orange juice?" I look at my cups and back at them,"A long story that could easily be summed  but what the heck happened is my question?" I repliy. "Oh Tristian this Bj anouther friend and thats Matt Jacob and you already meet Aj. Any who, Aj we know why or what happened to you!" J. says continueing on.  "The reason that happened is.." Matt cuts her off,"when did she meet Trismine, the soon to be dead again bastard." Tristian looks at him," guessing you know him then?" Matt," No der, yeah I know him lives in the woods demon dragon green eyes. I already hate him. Now he's messed with my friends. Bad combanation." Matt answers.

Aj is obveusely awake now, " hold up, so your. And you . Wait a minute!" Matt looks at her," where do you think I go at night, to sleep! I shift duh." "ok that makes scence then." she answers him. I just gonna stand here and watch this all unfold. apparently Jacob has the dsame idea as me because he's just sitting queitly watching everything go down. " I thought I reconized you!" Tristian comments,"Yeah the black wolf right?"

Sitting quietly. "Ok, so what now?" Aj asks Matt. " What now? We find him."

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