Chapter 15- Alana

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Happiness topped off with Matt kissing me equals a good start to the day! He leans me against the ground. I would smile if we were not kissing right now. For a split second I forget where we are.

I hear something like leaves crushing. Matt I guess heard it to, he stops,"I heard,something," he whispers. "Me too, what do you think it was?" I ask him whispering. "I don't know." he answers, we sit up. "Lets check it out." I whisper to him. We stand up and, while my hands are gripped around my knives, head toward the sound. I jump back as its a wolf, not a grey one like normal a white one. Green eyes. I don't get it. It sits there and walks closer to me and sits in front of me. As if waiting for me to pet it or something. I touch its soft head. Surprised its soft. Its like a pet! It calm as I pet it. What the hell is wrong here! "I'm I still asleep or are you a actually petty a wolf?" Matt asks watching. I look back at him," relax, its not like I'm gonna get hurt." I say to him, then turn back to the wolf.

A flash if a picture comes up as I blink. I close my eyes. It still flashes but I get a better look at it. A little girl, and a wolf pup, together in the woods. "I know this wolf." I say. Now I remember, "Mady." The wolf turns around and walks off, "She wants us to fallow her." Before Matt can say anything, I start to fallow her. I hear him by hind me. The brown autumn leaves beneath our feet make no sound as we walk. I smile its all coming back to me now. After my dad died leaving me to be taken care of by my brother who wasn't much older then me, I can out here alone. Mady, she was my only friend. We come to a tree next to a tree stump each about 2 feet wide. I touch the tree, a flash. I close my eyes again, me and Mady are there, still about 5. I open my eyes again, sweet memories of the times when I didn't give a shit. When I wasn't wanted dead or alive. When I wasn't judged.

I smile. "I'm guessing you remember the tree?" Matt says sarcastically. "Shut up," I laugh. Mady walks up and sniffs Matt, she starts to growl. "Mady it's just Matt." She keeps growling. "What's wrong with him calm down." She stops, and sits next to me watching him. "That was weird," he says."Yeah it was." I reply. I'd hate to see the reaction she would give him if he even touched me. I look at her eyes, green. Their green. I suddenly piece some puzzle pieces together. "Her are look like Tristan's," refuting to how much Trismine's eyes look like his. Mady has the same eyes as Trismine, but I don't think Matt's mind got it at first so I emphasized Tris in Tristan's name as I repeated my words.

It finally clicks with my idiot boyfriend. He backs a bit away. I shake my head. No I get what he meant. He already knew who I was. Matt's face floods with fury for a split second before he hides it. I guess the idea of his enemy pretending to be a female wolf for me didn't sit well with him. I want to laugh so hard about it. I remember when I last saw him or she or whatever. But in glimpses. Which involved fur glitches dark and running. "Run," he mouths clearly knowing something I didn't. So like the little bitch i am, I slipped out of sight and took off sprinting but I never said I was a good bitch. I climbed up a tree and went back without so much as a hint of noticing on either of their faces or a twitch or really anything. I watched Matt back up more into the tree I was standing in. I watch his head flip into a direction opposite of what I had ran in. Wolf dragon thing turns to see I was gone then Matt I swear flips whatever off. I want to laugh. He slips away. I dash along the trees til I reach the end of the forest and leap down gracefully and silently. Something I was apparently good at.

I heard someone behind me. I turn to see Matt smiling at how easy that was. He reaches me as soon as my phone does whatever noise. I look at it, Jacob texted me. Rare. I read it in my head," get the fuck over here bitch." I knew this was meant to be in a play tone, it almost made me laugh. Most babies of girls would cry, but I want to laugh. I'm nit as normal as I thought. Well what little about myself I considered 'normal'. I smile, "It took them that long to figure out we trailed off. Anyway Jacob wants us at the house come on." I tell him smiling widely from what I just read still.

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