Chapter27- Alana

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After everyone left, it left just me and Matt. We walk into my room and we've been standing here talking for a while now. "Haha, very funny," I roll my eyes. His fingers make their way to my own. "Is it now," he moves closer to me, almost pressing our bodies together. I can't help a smile trying to emerge on my face,"Yes." "Mhm. I'm sure it was," he leans closer to me lightly kissing me and then pulling back. He looks at me for a moment before kissing me again. I kiss back, I feel his arms wrap around my waist. Matt slams me against the wall, sure it knocked the breath out of me but I don't care. The kiss gets stronger and suddenly I have the urge to get rid of every article of clothing in between us. My hands run up his T-shirt. I stop,"Matt?" "Yes Alana?" "I love you," I say this just before reconnecting our lips. He tugs on the bottom of my shirt, the one that makes me look like a slut, sending the signal he had the same need as me. We pull them off and fall on my bed. He kisses down my neck and whispers," I love you too Alana." He didn't have to say anything more than those three words and I was gone. Matt rolls on top of me, and even if I did want to get up I couldn't push him off me. Everywhere his skin touches mine tingles. His hand runs to my waist, and I help him pull off my jeans. Soon the same for him. Matt slips his hand up my back and quickly undo's the clasp of my bra. Which he's done alot if you know what I mean. I have not let anyone (other than Matt obviously) even touch me. It just amazes me. His hand slowly slides down my side, down to just above my nee. He pulls it over his waist as I put my other leg around him as well. I can feel the smile he has against my lips. He's pressed against me but he still is keeping alot of his weight off of me with his arm, of which is under my back.

His breath is hot against my skin as he barely lifts his head to breath. Kissing, he licks my lips asking, well hoping. I let him in shyly. I don't do that often, I just realized that. Believe it or not I used to be very timid about letting him do this. He had to try alot just to get me to let him in. I was very shy around Matt for about a year, when we started dating. And that was 2 or 3 years ago, I'm still a hint shy about something's. Exhibit A: French kissing. But, I've grown closer with him. And now look where we are, I don't know what I'd do without him. Matt kisses down my neck to my caller bone, hitting a sweet spot and getting a moan out of me. How I don't know, but he did and I feel his smile against my skin. His fingers run up into my dark hair.

But, unfortunately, I heard something in the living room. "Matt, stop." I whisper, it didn't come out the way I wanted it too. To put it short, it sounded like a pled. "Matt, I'm serious." He let's me sit up on my elbows. "I hear something. Get dressed," I whisper to him,"Who knows who the fuck is here." After redressing, I slip into the hallway. No one is there. "This doesn't make sense," I put my guard down for the first time in situations like this ever. Someone grabs me, covering my mouth up and a hand over my stomach. I stay quiet as the apparent boy talks," hey there princess. How are you? I didn't come for you but looks like I caught you. You smell of someone. Oh don't tell me," he pauses and laughs in a low tone."Wow you poor thing." I want to spin around and punch him in the face so bad. And that's exactly what I did, he jolted backward onto the floor. I screamed at him," don't ever talk about him like that ass!" I stop and look at him," do I know you?" He sits up on his elbows," well someone remembers." I look him over,"who the hell are you." Matt I see is watching it all go down over in the darkness. "Many times tonight I've been asked that." I kick him hard in the side which makes him move. I'm shocked he's not coughing up blood. "Just talk before I do more damage." "With a crowd? Why would I do that?" I look up at Matt whose motioning for me to come. I kick the some what stranger and he cringes in pain. This makes me smile for some reason," spill." "Fuck you Alana," are the only words that come out of his mouth. I catch sight of the pistol tucked in his shoe. "One little DUCK,couldn't HIDE well," I bend down and pull the gun from his shoe,"so the girl found it." I cocked the gun," and KILLED the person carrying it." I aimed at him and shot a whole in the floor beside his head. "I was born to die, you think I'd care?" he asks barely flinching. "I can make your trip to hell worse than the place. You'll think it was a relief." "When hell freezes over bitch," he says this quiet. I shot again only missing his heart because he moved. "Fine, I'm Cole."

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