Chapter21- Jasmine

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We did it, we told them we knew without getting our heads snapped off. I just don't know how or why they are together, or even how long. I just know my two friends are dating. The biggest question I have is why they're watching cartoons. Oh and why they wanted to hide this in the first place. But I guess I'll figure it all out later, except for the cartoons thing," why are we randomly watching this?" Aj shrugs staring at the screen and holding Matt's hand. Randomly. Aj stands up and walks over to the fridge, opens it and gets out a can of coke,"anyone thirsty?" I shake my head no. She opens the can and sits back down.

"So silent," she says before taking a sip of it. "Woods?" I ask. "Surez," she answers and we hop up. She grabs her two knives that sat seethed on the table behind us. "you guys want to come?" I ask the boys. They both reply yes and we all leave walking across the street into the woods. "So now we're out in the wonderful wild wilderness of the woods" Aj smiles, how she said that I will never know. "Yeah just don't randomly ditch us like last time. Because then we'll be alone," Tristan smiles. Matt laughs. "Well that may not be such a bad thing now," I smile at Tristan. "Ew. Somebody flitten'!" Aj smiles, I shrug. We laugh. My smile instantly disappears at the breaking of a twig. Aj's hands grip her knives, mine are already around my sticks. "Matt, I don't suppose you happen to know someone else who shifts in the woods?" Aj asks Matt. "Well yeah but that is a human, not a wolf," he answers looking off into the darkness. I look at him," how can you tell?" "Because he's standing right there," he answers. He must have super vision or something I don't see a thing. A spike of pain in my heal and I flinch. I hear my name of in the distance called before the world goes black.

A bit later.....

I wake up in a tree,"How the hell did I get up here" "Me," I hear a girl mumble, I open my eyes, its almost pitch black but I can see the outline of a figure. No way in hell its Aj, her voice is way different. Then again how long have I been out? "Whose me?" I ask the person. "Not important at the moment," She turns her head, blue eyes. Not Aj. "Are you going to say why I'm in a tree then?" I ask the girl. She turns her head again. "Your needed," she answers simply. "Where are my friends?" I continue questioning her. "They're fine don't worry. No harm inflicted." she continues to answer simple. "You ask many questions don't you J?" she asks me. "You know my name. Well I guess if you were planning to kidnap me I suppose you would know my name. Also know I would be here at this time, know I carried sticks, and my only true weakness that doesn't end in death." I answer my own question. In case your wondering why I'm so calm. I've been kidnapped before, the person answered my question the same. I never got hurt. I managed to slip away in no time. I bet it's the sane person. "So why am I needed?" I ask the girl I've managed to recognize. She turns again," you'll find out in a few minutes,"

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