chapter1- Jasmine Key Spatch, age 17

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We're walking, talking casually, just us three hanging out in the woods. Yeah, wolves, bears, and all that was there but we don't really care. Well most of us. Even as it's past midnight. I hear crackling. Aj stops moving instantly, she's the brave more fierce one of us, I'm scecond. BJ, not so much. I stopped in my tracks too. AJ unsethed her knife, me and my sticks ready to fight, and BJ in the background whimpering. A black wolf steps out growling, "Up a tree BJ." AJ orders. BJ can barely climb trees but she did it. The wolf heads toward me, so I simply knock it up the side of the head with my sticks as hard as I can. AJ leaps over and checks to make sure it's knocked out. We wouldn't kill the beautiful thing unless it was a life or death situation ya know?

It twitches, AJ jumps back instantly, landing well on her feet. The ninja is out. It moans, a humany moan of pain. With a startle I realize who it was. Good gosh. "Matt! What the hell!"I yell. Matt is one of our friends, always has been. Now incase you are lost, he is the normal everyday shape shifter demon. "Shut up, why are you screaming, what are you even saying! Ahh," He answers. " I'm not screaming," I say. AJ puts her knives up. "Stop," he continues. "Matt? You, you alright? Matt!" He doesn't answer frozen whimpering in one spot. "Matt! Matt!" Aj yells. He finally opens his eyes, "What, was that!" I yell. He looks at me confused,"How should I know, I'm a fuck'n demon! Hold on." Matt shifts into his human form.

So lost, "why are you still in a tree BJ?" "What? I'm right next to you?" she answers me, stepping into my vision. " Then whose that in the tree," I ask pointing, Green eyes flashing, staring at us. It looks at Matt, who cringes in pain without even seeing the figure. What the hell?

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