Chapter26- June

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I wake up from a loud bang," What the fudge!" "Good morning princess," the boy from last night. I have to say it,"what the hell do you want asshole!" I feel better now. I Would look around but that would be stupid at the moment. "Not much. I want information." he smiles walking a bit closer. "What information?!" "Information on two people inspasific. Aj and J." he answers me. "Why the fuck would I spill anything to your ass!" I scream. I notice I can't move. I can't move. Why can I not move? "Because it's the only reason your here. So until you do, your stuck here," He motions around the room. "Where's here?" I ask calmer. I can't even move my fucking head to look around this grey stone room! "I'd gladly stay," I eye him up, like I could do anything else. "Someone's gained some confidence, hasn't she? Last time Trismine actually scared you! That made me laugh. Your not the only one we can get information out of, Matt and Tristan. Matt will be a bit of a challenge but Tristan should be easy. Considering he's Trismine's sibling," "Your sick! A sick little bastard!" I scream. His laugh is just making my fury grow like a forest fire in the summer. "Just talk and you can get away from this sick little bastard then June," he tells me,

is wanting me to think like this, he wants me to get mad. So I make my outside look like nothing he's saying is affecting me," I'd rather stay here." "Yeah I bet you would, June. "He pauses a moment before continuing," you don't remember me do you?" "No," I say trying to stay calm. He smiles and shakes his head,"not surprising. It was years ago." I look at him lost,"What's that supposed to mean?" "Just talk, before I have to get people. As in Tristan and Matt," his threat gives me no feeling of fear for some odd reason. I'm silent for about an hour before I finally ask," who are you?" "That's none of your concern at the moment," he pulls out a radio," go find your brother. I'm not getting anything." I can barely here the other voice," no memory?" " nope," he answers. Its driving me crazy, when he puts the radio up again I ask,"why should I know you. Who are you even, I mean really. If knew your name I might remember you." He looks at me for a moment," My name? You know me by Cole." I remember almost nothing, but I do recognize him know. Lets just say, last time I heard from him, a few minutes later, a gunshot rang. And I don't mean he tried to kill me, I mean I thought someone killed him. "Now then, I'll return later," Cole tells me, and with that he was gone and realize I can move again. I stand up and look around. There's only the wooden chair I was sitting in, the grey stone walls and me. But shockingly not a bit of dust. I touch the wall, its true stone, cold jagged stone. Why would Cole of all people be in this mess? He's no where near evil to put it lightly. That's why...

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