chapter22- Tristan

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During the kidnapping...

Gas fills the air, Jasmine screams and I realize she's out cold. "You'll all be fine, but don't try looking." I hear a girl say. Aj passes out, the world begins to fade out around me. Then it all goes black.


I wake up to find Aj pacing, matt sitting up. "Damb it all ti hell!" Aj says frustrated, she stops dead in her tracks," No!" she yells and continues pacing. "What are you doing," I ask, she stops and looks at me," I'm trying to figure out something of what happened so we can find your girlfriend!" she yells out, then continues on. "Don't mess with her when she's like this, its pointless," Matt explains to me. Aj throws a knife into a tree and the other into the bark of one 45 degrees left from it. Wasn't that where the people were? Were there people?

"Precisely 45degrees, right out of sight, it was definitely planned. Plus they knew her weak spot, they knew her. Not to mention how swift the person who caught her, perhaps it was a girl," I stand up pointing out, Aj looks at me like I'm crazy," I know who it was, we better find her," Matt looks at her then I guess they know something I don't," I feel like I missed something," I say.

They take off sprinting and I fallow," just shut your mouth and come on," Aj yells. Damb she runs fast. They stop dead in their tracks in front of a small shack thing. Its so broken and beat I'm not to sure what exactly it is. I foot steps behind us then a familiar voice, "You don't have to hold my arm, not like I'm going to try to run. You'd only catch me I mean really have some faith in yourself." We hide along the edges in the brush.

I catch a glimpse of long blonde hair, whose that? I listen to them talk," so why did you bring me here again Lea?" I know its J. "Once more I repeat your needed. Just sit, look around, ask question, walk in circles I don't give a shit. I was paid to bring you here and I've done just that." the other girl, who I'm guessing is Lea, informs her. "So who paid you? Or is that the person in suppose to meet," Jasmine asks the girl, backtalk sounding in her voice slight. "Well its the person your, oh no you don't. You won't trick me into saying why your here or who your meeting, not this time," she try's but she made a mistake. "Oh but you already gave me enough that I know its the person in meeting. But just out of question, how much did he pay you?" she questions, she can narrow it down by these simple questions. "I bit, he slid me a few hundreds, about 4," she answers slipping into the trap. Now she knows its one of two people, Shain Camp or Lane Bands. "Interesting, I know this seems random but how old is this shack or what's it made of anyway," Jasmine is going to break out with this question. "Um 1908 I think ants got to the wea uh wood," the girl catches herself but its too late. She said weak wood. Shame shame shame. I look in threw a crack in the old wood, J is looking around the shack at at her hands. She stands up and walks in a circle,noting each whole. She runs her fingers along the back wall, tapping on it with her nails. She smiles, the blue eyed blonde looks like she is a slutty little actress playing a roll in a movie. Why the hell did she bother curling her hair and putting on makeup if she was kidnapping a girl in the forest at night, I mean honestly.

J smiles, as she finds a weak spot that would be so easy to slip from with no notice. She continues to question,"Since I'm not going to be escaping any time soon, where my sticks?" "Should be at your doorstep if I'm not mistaken, he said that's where they'd be." she replys, she has no idea J is do close to breaking out, knowing the person that wants her, and best of all doing it all quietly. She screams," spider! Oh my gosh get it away!" she kicks a whole in the wall as Lea jumps at the random screams. "See ya idiot!" she leaps out of the whole and dashes away. Lea jumps out, but Matt grabs her and puts his hand over her mouth holding her with one arm around her stomach. "Listen real carefully now little miss Lea, you kidnapped my friend. You intoxicated me and my other friends with gas. I could easily slit your throat and it'd be all over. But I've been in a good mode recently so I may spare your life," he whispers in the bitch's ear. Who would hire her? Aj tosses him a weed of some sort. "So I know you keep your pretty little mouth shut," he puts the plant near her nose, I think a skunk sprayed it or something I smell it. "Your getting a taste of your own medicine," he finishes, the chick passes out.

"That was fun for some reason," he says tossing the weed to the ground. Aj smiles," I bet you like holding a bitch like her," "I wouldn't be talking slut," he smiles back. "Whatever!" she smiles higher tone. I'm just going to stand here and watch. Aj walks closer to him," the only proof you have is your own," "Well then your just my dirty little slut then I guess," he smiles. "Guess I am." she continues her own smile, stopping in front of him. I just noticed how much of a height difference there is between them. "Care to prove your little theory?" he continues. I should probably cut them off shouldn't I? I fake clear my throat and Aj jumps away from him and Matt spins around facing a new direction. " I honestly don't want to see that, lets go do something about the fact that J is out there and a person is knocked out, not to mention another being is on his way here." I remind them, pointing in directions as I talk. "Yeah come on," Aj says staring off into space and swinging her arms. "Enough standing I agree move owr feet." Matt says, I want to laugh so hard right now. I shake my head smiling," just come on."

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