Chapter33- Jasmine

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"Your the closest to heaven, that I'll ever be. And I don't wanna go home right now!" I have an adiction to that song. Being It 7:34 AM and nothing better to do, I'm just listening to soundtrakes I've made. Plus no ones home but me and it's really quiet. The sun is shining already and I turn on my phone that's been off all night. "When everything feels like the movies. Yeah you bleed just to know your alive!" Bj texted me. "I don't want the world to see me. Cuz I don't think that they'd understand." "Dun duh duh! Uh, what does that mean?" I say out loud. "HEBKEGLOPP!" is what it says. Well h e b k e g l o p p ! he broke the glop!? No what about, hecky glop!? No, h e take out the b and k e g l take out the o p p heglopp take out the g and o that's helpp! Oh my god it says help! Anouther text from Bj,"OH NY YOUR GOINF TO PASS PUT!" What's up with the major typos? Oh my, your going to pass port? No, Oh my your going to pass out? Yeah I think it's the second one. I can't be a pass port. A third. "Look out your window?" I read out loud. I look out my window," Holy shit!" I jump into the floor and land on my back hard,"ow." "You ok?" she says threw the pane. I stand up,"go in the door will ya." "Ok," she walks around to the front door and I hear it open. Good god. I walk out of my room in socks, Bj is standing with some guy. "Who the hell are you?" I ask normally. "It's Cole!" Bj yelps in a high pitch. It takes me a moment to figure it out. "Oh my fucking god!" I yell once I do. "What did you do!" I swear I may need a dart to keep me calm. "Get kidnapped." "Wait you got kidnapped for once? Let me guess was it a blonde kid with dark blue eyes? Or was it for your techyness?" my tone just calm now. "I don't know really the main purpose persay but isn't it awesome!" "Yeah! Why have I not hugged you yet?!" I yelp and throw my arms around him in a hug. My best friend is alive! I still have a flower.

"Oh I have something of yours," I dash back in my room and open a drawr by my bed. I pull out a small box with a flower pinned on it. Bj was right, I think I am going to pass out. I open the little box and pull out a even smaller picture with the date and names of where we are on the back in black ink," May 17, 2005 at Marcin Lake Alana, June, Jasmine, and Cole." The memory washes over me, all four of us were fishing with Cole's dad and Alana's mom. Alana was the only one of us to catch anything. That was back when we all were the happiest, not long before our worlds came crashing down. June was making stuff out of twigs, she made a bird nest and put it in the tree in the background of the picture. Me and Cole we're skipping rocks because we just figured out how. Alana came and spashed water on us. June joined in and we all ended up dripping wet. Then Alana's mother took a picture of us all together playing in the river part of the lake. We made 4 copies of it, we each got one.

I smile at the picture and bring it out to Cole and June, I mean Bj. "I remember that, we had went fishing." Cole smiles at the memory. "I look at it all the time," my voice low as I talk. He looks up at me and pulls a tiny picture from his pocket," me to." "It's the same one," Bj smiles, "I wonder if the bird nest is still there." "Should we go find out," I smile. "I think Aj and Matt might want a say in it," Bj loses the smile on her face. "There here?" I ask. "Yup outside. Probally kissing against the wall," her words make me stop,"wait you know?" "Long story I don't have time for slash don;t want to explain," she says and opens the door. "She is happy, told you," she says once we walk out the door. She knows? "Oh and Matt's new nick name is dumb ass," she laughs refuring to something prier. "Bj, you have changed alot over night le' me tell ya'," I smile, she has. "How'd you earn your nick name? Oh did you try to eat a tree again?" my voice slows and cracks with laughter I try to hold in. "What no! She randomly came up with that," he defends his voice high. "Yeah I bet. Dumb ass," I laugh no longer able to hold it in. "Hey!" he starts to smile. I laugh. "Speaking of hey, want to go to the lake? It's a memory thing," I hold up the picture in my hand. "Oh my gosh yes! Should I get Jacob?" Aj jumps, what the hell? Did she and Bj switch brains? "Yeah, I'll come with you," Matt looks at her. "M'k, come on. We'll meet you there," she smiles and starts to walk. Matt follows her. After no one can see them any more I hear a scream and a laugh. I shake my head," well come on." "We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!!!" Bj yells as she skips across the road and into the tree line ahead of us. This will be interesting. I catch Cole smiling out of the cornor of my eye. Yup, interesting.

A/N Hey guys, I know where's the action she hasn't killed anyone who is this person all question. But, Aj will commit murder, you have idea how close. Te he he!!!! Oh my god. Fan girl moment, ( glass breaking scream ) Ok now that your all deaf. Oh and Alyssa has a new book on Phenixice called When the World Flips. I personally like it, but the summery ignore apparently. She gets an idea then twists and adds and it comes out completely different that what it originally was going to be. So yeah, I don't have anything really new. But yeah check out her stuffs. Please no one talks, or types or uh uh um. Um. Point made. Bye!

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