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I feel a pair of arms hug me and someone whisper, "Don't cry, I'm right here".
I love her.

I actually love her.

I smile and wipe my tears chuckling, "If you think I'm crying a lot in this scene you should see me during the snow ball scene." Noah and Millie laugh and when we finally untie Noah we sit back down. Noah smirks and says, "how about we watch a sad film?". Both me and Millie know that this will make me cry, and Noah just wants us to be together because that's the annoying type of friend he is but we both say.


Noah flicks through the films until he reaches The Fault In Our Stars.

Fuck Noah Schnapp.

And an hour later I was sobbing and Millie was holding me, and Noah was laughing and I think i was dying.

The credits rolled and Millie asks, "You okay (Y/N)? You've been quiet for a while..."

"That movie just depresses me..."

Noah chimes in with, "That's why I chose this film" laughing, and then I realise I am currently, basically on her lap. God help me. And she had her arms tightly wrapped around me. And we were so close we were touching. And then she turned me round and I felt something tingling down my spine.

And then we were kissing.


A/N - Short but I love this chapter xD Next chapter will be number 10, so I decided well 10's a special-ish number so I will try make it long like maybe 1000 word. Or should I do that on chapter 11 if you get my drift xD comment what you think

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