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Noah hugs me before leaving as I walk in home, Millie's sat there with a massive grin looking at something on her phone. I sneak up on her and jump attack as she screams and drops her phone on the carpet.

I giggle as she grins and pretends to slap me. We both fall of the couch caught in each other's arms and just stay there for a bit. I can't wait for tomorrow...

We head to bed like usual and I watch her as she falls asleep(sounds scary woop). She so beautiful...damn I love her...and that's the last thing I can remember before drifting off.
Because whenever I drift of,
I'll dream of her. (I Love you if you get that)

I wake up with a nervous jitter. Today. Today I will propose to the love of my life. I will either be the happiest girl on earth. Or the saddest.

I turn around in bed to face her smiling face look at me. "Morning beautiful." I grin. She laughs, "Morning."
We walk downstairs while holding hands and prepare a breakfast of pancakes.

"So this date later..." I whisper, grinning.
"I'll meet you at 5pm down by the lake at the park, love you." she smiles, kissing me on the cheek and walking out the room, "I'm going to go get ready with Sadie now! You can't see me till I meet you there!"

I wear a goofy grin as I suddenly remember. Shit, gotta prepare. I rush out the house screaming, "LOVE YOU!" and haul a cab to get to Noah and y/b/f's house.

I knock on their door to be answered by y/b/f screaming "YOUR GETTING ENGAGED!"
And Noah coming up and hugging her from behind saying, "I better be your man of honour."

It's a few hours to go so we spend time watching movies, talking about random shit and just acting like the teens we once were. It may have included Noah doing another rendition of LA Devotee while we sang along...

At 3pm we run upstairs and y/b/f pulls these cute little dresses out.

"So here's the first one"

"So here's the first one"

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"And here's the second"

"sorry if you dont like dresses but we have to make you look adorable and let's face it y/n you don't know fashion, also Sadie said she'll also style Millie in the same shade of red as the dresses

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"sorry if you dont like dresses but we have to make you look adorable and let's face it y/n you don't know fashion, also Sadie said she'll also style Millie in the same shade of red as the dresses."
I take a look and think for a moment, and then point to the one I want.

Y/b/f grins, "Great choice! OK so now I'm going to do your makeup."
I sit down as she grabs brushes and loads of tools while I sit here having no clue what she's doing to my face.

Butsurprisingly  it's actually nice, and by the time we're done it's 4:45pm. "Shit...I got to go, bye guys!" I shout, they run up to me and hug me as we all squeal. I'm about to run out when Noah screams,
"HEY y/n I THINK YOU MIGHT WANT THIS!" He holds out a small velvet box. I laugh as I take it from him and wave as I run of to the park, which was only a 10 minute walk.

I walk in a few minutes before 5 and I sit there on a picnic blanket I brought with us, it's the time of year where it gets dark early so I lay there staring up at the sky, looking at the stars.

I hear a, "Hey y/n" and butterflies fill my stomach. It's happening...it's happening. We sit down hand in and and stare up at the sky, leaning on each other and just purely enjoying each other's presence. But I know I can't wait to long. I point out a shooting star and as Millie's looking I know what I have to do. No regrets.

I jump on my knee and pull out the ring, and as she turns back to see me...

A/n - It's 00:48 in the morning whoops

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