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I head out the door, time to see her again. It's now I realize that I haven't paid much attention to my other friends. Friends I should really see.
I pick up my phone and my eye catches one contact that I use to be such great friends with, (f/N)friend's name). I now realize how much I missed her and know that after meeting (r/n) i need to see her again.

I know that what we had will never be the same, but I'm going to try so hard. Because I miss it.

I walk to the cafe we are to meet at and I see (r/n). I can tell instantly the reason I chose her when going through my Millie depression. She wore her beauty on the inside but also the outside, she was perfect in every way. But not enough for me. I always knew that Millie was the one.

Even if we are 15, 16. (sorry if your older).

Okay i might be exaggerating but I love her, really. Which is why I'm here right now. Standing in-front of the ex I hurt because I loved Millie yet still went with this girl, when I knew it might end badly.

She sees me and a sad smile appears on her face, I didn't want any damage to be caused yet I somehow messed up.

Sometime people can be bitches but not realize it. We can be bitches and not realize what we are doing is wrong in some way.

But we can also be really sorry.

Which is why I walk up to her. And just hug her. Until once again.

I hear the click of the oh so familiar.


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