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I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling, I felt her arms wrapped around me as her face as rubbed against me. I grin and stroke her hair, she makes a little noise and I see her big brown eyes look up at me, "Morning beautiful" I grin.

"Don't you start those cheesy nicknames with me" she tuts, laughing. I ruffle her hair and reach over for my phone. Suddenly I'm struck with many messages. I open the first one, from someone on Instagram.


What? I never? Millie looks at me confused and worried. I get a bunch of messages just like it. Millie looks at me, "I have lots of messages from fans saying you cheated on me...." she says whispering, biting her lip and a tear evidently about to fall. I embrace her but she pushes me off, crying now, clearly believing this lie.

I see someone linked a photo to one of the messages. I open it immediately, eager to see why people think I would cheat on the person I loved most. I open it and there's a photo of me and....MY AND MY BROTHER/SISTER WHEN HE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK BECAUSE MUM THOUGHT IT WOULD LOOK CUTE! WTF!

I start laughing and Millie looks at me disgustingly, she had wrapped the duvet around her and buried her head in the pillows. "Mills?"
"What...." she murmurs

"That photo is of me and (Y/S/N)your sibling name)"
She looks up and climbs over to me here she sees the photo. We both start laughing. But then I realize.

"Who got this photo? And why did they want to make it looks like I cheated on you?"

A/N - hehehehehe

Also, 1) how tf did this get 650 reads, 2) Thank you to the people that voted on every chapter it means so much :3, 3) TEA IS COMINGGGGGGGGGGGG

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