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A/N - Wow...wow...17K reads...this is(now ignore the pun)...unbelievable. I love you all so much!! And all those comment that were so nice, especially people saying 'no, more!' like wowwoowooow I'm shooketh. So yeah, I was bored, so i came to my computer, and now, I'm going to start writing and being gay af for the first time in a while yeet. I just want to say this is unbelievably cringey, idk if my writing got worse or better yee.

Your POV

Alone. Once upon a time that was all I ever wanted. I wanted away from all the drama, away from all the hate, away from even the people I loved the most. I felt like everything was too much.

I didn't leave my house for days, the only people who ever saw me were my mum, Millie, Noah and y/b/f. But not any of them could make me feel any better.

Over time Millie stopped coming, apparently she 'couldn't bare to see me like this'. I think that if Noah and y/b/f hasn't stopped coming, I wouldn't have come out of my room, actually socialized with the others.

And when I saw Millie for the first time since. I realized. What the fuck was I actually doing. I had gone into a cafe with Noah as he was asking for my help to get something for his anniversary with y/b/f, and across the room I saw her.

She was sat with Sadie and she had bags under her eyes, her face looked tear stained, and she was a mess. I couldn't believe someone could make her that upset. Well, that was until I realized it was me. I did that. I hurt myself and that resulted in the hurt of others.

She saw me a few seconds later, and the waterworks started, she walked over to me and before I knew it she was sobbing in my arms, I held her tight, never wanting to let go. And I never did.

I knew that one more mistake and I might never see her again.

So when I woke up this morning, looking at her beautiful face, 5 years after it all happened, and we were still together. I knew there was only one thing that would guarantee we would stay together for even longer.

And it starts with a ring.

Unbelievable (Millie Bobby Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now