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Your POV

I jump on my knee and pull out the ring, and as she turns back to see me...

She giggles and starts laughing like mad. I want to cry but her laughing so contagious, "Why are you laughing, I-I want to marry you g-goddammit"
"I-ITs because" she manages to say in the midst of all the laughter, "I got you a ring too!". She pulls out a small box with a cute little ring in it. We explode into fits of laughter and scream simultaneously, "YES!"

I giggle as I slowly take her gorgeous face and delicately place a kiss on her lips, (CRINGE) we stay there for two minutes till we eventually need air. We fall down together and just curl up in each others arms, sat in silence. She lays on my chest as I engulf her in my arms, I hold her and don't let go, because if I do,maybe I'd lose her. And I can't have that.

We are packing our stuff and heading home arm in arm when it finally hits me. I just got engaged. I'm getting married.

I am getting married to Millie Bobby Brown.


I walk into our room hand in hand with her, and we collapse on the bed, we turn to each other and she pushes a strand of my hair behind me ear. I smile. I love her so goddamn much. I'd love  her if she was a million miles away, I'd love her if I saw her once a year and I'd love her if I saw her all year round.

I love her her like Eleven loves eggos, as Dustin loves pudding, and as Alexei loves cherry slurpees. I can't see a world without her, I'd travel to the upside down if I had to. All the drama, pressure put on our relationship and still we carry on, we can get through anything. Because I know, if don't do whatever it takes, then she'll fall from my grasp, and I might never hold her again.

I couldn't be happier at the fact that we are getting married.

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