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1 year. I gave her one year, to tell the truth, to let herself feel how she wants. To no-longer be scared of what the world would think. 1 year. And I got nothing. I didn't get my friends back(minus Noah and (Y/B/F)). I didn't get my love back.

So I had one choice.

And one choice only.

Move. The. Fuck. On.

And that's just what I did. But that doesn't mean I'm happy.

Well, my life wasn't total shit, (Y/B/F) and Noah just started dating and I was so happy for them! And my girlfriend wasn't that bad. She was kind, pretty, and amazing. But I didn't love her. Not like I loved Millie, every time I saw her on set since I became an editor for Stranger thing was painful.

A tear falls down my cheek as I chat with the other editors because I can see all of them, Millie, Sadie, Finn, Caleb, and Gaten, looking at me. After 1 year, disgust still filling their eyes from the lies. And Millie, she was worst of all. She wasn't looking at me at all.

I scream as I feel someone covering my eyes and a familiar yet terrifying voice filled my head, "Guess who!"
"The demogorgon!"
"Nope! Even worse! Your best friend Noah!"

I pretended to scream as we laughed. "Your scene with Mike is looking really good, Byler is setting sail" I laugh.

"Ugh, easy for him, he's gay!" He groans. "Maybe we could get (Y/B/F) to play Mike then I can kiss her instead" he murmurs, I can see literal hearts in his eyes. "Eugh your so cheesy, plus last time I checked, Mike is a boy, and (Y/B/F) is a girl."
"Don't look at the gender barriers woman!"
"Oh, so I'm a woman now!
"You'll always be a bitch to me!" he yells as he walks off to film another scene.

"Love ya too!" I yell, laughing, walking to have a look at more scenes and edit them. When I bump into someone. Millie. Crap.

She looks at me teary-eyed, "Hey (Y/N)..."

I'm about to walk away when she grabs my arm, "Wait! Look. (Y/N) I'm sorry. I was an idiot but over the year I've finally realized..."
I hope she doesn't say what I think she will, I don't want to go through the heartbreak again. I'm about to say I have a girlfriend when-

She smashes her lips against mine and it...it feels so good and everything that has happened previously suddenly doesn't matter. I am hers and she is mine.
I love her.

And she loves me.

A/N - Help. I don't know why my emotions are making me cry so much it's not even sad.

Unbelievable (Millie Bobby Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now