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The thought ran over my head several times. Many different questions. Many different answers.

Why did Millie slam the door.

Why did she leave me after I told her I loved her.

Why did she seem scared of me.

Why was the only friend that stuck with me Noah.

Why did she have to break my heart.

Why did she have to have my heart.

Why did I ever post that edit.

My phone vibrates and I jump as I get a call from Noah.


I know Millie was a bitch by leaving you on that doorstep but like there are plenty of hot ass girls out there

It's not that simple, nothing ever is, especially when it comes to love

Look. I'm coming over, with ice cream, Netflix and (Y/B/F). We're watching a dumb-ass rom-com and their sucky, cheesy love story will make you feel better.

Thanks, Noah, I don't know what I'd do without you

For one thing, you would probably have already died if you didn't have me and (Y/B/F) saving your trashy ass 24/7

At least I have an ass

I'm offended. But still coming over. Bai!


I sigh as I hang up. Why were did a piece of trash like me get stuck with amazing friends like (Y/B/F) and Noah?

A few minutes later I hear a rapid knocking on my door. Probably Noah and (Y/B/F). I pull myself up and make my way to the door. I hear crying. Why?

I open the door.

And it's not my friends.



The one that broke me

The one that tore my heart to shreds

The one that left me on the step

The one that I love

"Hey..." I whisper. Tears starting to fall.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was strong enough to do this but I.."

She turns to leave me. But I can't...let it happen again.

"Millie!!! Look at me and tell me why you left me alone! Right when I told you that I loved you..."

She looks over and cries, "Because I love you too, but I'm scared. Scared of my feelings. Scared of what the media might think. Scared of what the others will think."

"For one thing, they all mostly shipped it till you told them a messed up version of what happened." I cry. Remembering seeing the texts on my phone a few days ago from my friends, "How could you do that to Mills", "You hoe!", "She has rights you know!".

She looks at me and screams, "LOOK IM SORRY! But I thought the only way that the others would forget about it all would be to hate you and cut you out of their lives...well I succeeded with everyone except Noah, who gives me dirty looks on set, which I admit I deserve, who still speaks to you, who makes me feel the pain that I felt when I did leave."

I see her run off and I collapse, only getting up when Noah and (Y/B/F) eventually arrive and help me up, cry with me, comfort me, and be the friends I need them to be. The friends I need after a heartbreak.

After a few hours of sobbing Noah gets up, "Come on you need to laugh! Do something fun in your life!" he reaches for his phone and googles something, then he grabs a chair. The first few seconds of a song makes me recognize what he's doing. He sits down and starts belting out and re-creating the video of LA Devotee. Oh god. Then (Y/B/F) comes up with a glass of water and shoves it at Noah.

Why do I have such amazing friends?

A/N - First up, why can't we all have friends like Noah. Second, yeeee the chapters are finally getting longer. Third I'm gonna do some self-advertising here but you should follow _millie.bobby.bae on Instagram aka me :3

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