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I put my phone on silent as I sit down, I know that my phone will blow up, just like it did when I was first suspected of cheating. (r/n) looks at me with an expressionless face. What's going on inside her head? What does she think of me? I sigh as she looks at me. And then at once, we both say, "I'm sorry".

We chuckle for a moment and look deep into her eyes. My heart tearing to shreds at what I did. We start to talk.


"I know you love Millie, (y/n). So if the wound was still sore why did you pour more salt into it."


I look at her, "I just thought that maybe I could get over her if I had someone else to distract me!"

"So that's it...I'm just a fucking distraction to you, not good enough to be like Millie."

That's when I start crying. Why couldn't I have one day alone with Millie. With no drama. I get up and just run of. Fuck all of this sorry stuff. WHY CAN'T I JUST BE ALONE WITH THE GIRL I LOVE!

I run back home and just as I stumble through the door and fall into a pool of my own tears I see my mum in the corner of my eye as she engulfs me in a hug. It feels good to let everything out.

Let out the pain.

The emotion.

The thought of being my own enemy.

The self-hate.

The love.

A/N - Sorry about last chapters weird friendship stuff. I thought I lost a friend and I was putting all my real life emotions onto the page. But every thing's good, and back to normal so back to the cringe :D

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