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Your POV

I wake up to see Millie fast asleep, her hair falling in front of her face and all knotted. I chuckle and slowly slide out of our bed. I creep over towards the bathroom and take a quick shower, starting to get ready for the day.

I get out and put on some simple clothes. I'm meeting Noah today so he can help me buy an engagement ring, as he proposed to y/b/f last year. I'm sat in the kitchen on my phone when Mills walks in, she has no clue that tomorrow, I'm asking her to be my wife...

"Morning (whatever your nickname for Millie is)"
"Good morning y/n" she smiles, kissing my cheek. I blush a little, I'm still not used to being in a stable relationship and no drama around.

"So I'm going to go see Noah later today" I say, eating some breakfast. She looks at me as she sits down, "Oooo, okay so when are you going?". She sounds a bit too eager for me to go...I'm sure its nothing though, nothing can get in the way of me being with her anymore, we've gone through too much already.

I get up and start to head towards the door when Millie stops me, I'm guess she could sense how I was uneasy, and she grabbed my face and kissed me. When she pulls away I can see condolence in her eyes, "I love you" she whispers, "And I promise everything will be fine."

I leave the room, being as optimistic as possible. She said everything will be fine, so I have to trust her. I hear her get onto the phone and whisper excitedly

Fine. Everything's. Fine

I'm getting out the door when I hear her yell, "LOVE YOU!"
"I love you too." I say, finally reassured, and I rush out the door, excited to go and meet Noah.

I arrive at the local coffee shop to see Noah jump out, "YOUR GETTING ENGAGED SOON!"
I laugh nervously, "You don't know if she will say yes or not"
"Are you a blooming idiot y/n, she loves you more than eleven loved eggos! I guarantee you she will say yes! And if she doesn't then I will once again tie myself to a chair"
I chuckle as I walk out, Noah following as we chat all the way to the (Starcourt) mall.

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