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I wake up and roll over, reaching for my phone. Looks like the girls are planning a sleepover and the guys are offended they aren't invited.

Yee we have a new friend

Zoom Away B*tch

Look boys, this sleepover is for girls only! Me, Millie and (Y/N) if she wants!

Chocolate Daddy

I thought you loved me S....

Zoom Away B*tch

I do but I also love tea. And if you guys know the tea then so will half the world

Steve's Son

I'm offended you think so low of us!


Yeah but it's tru


Sades and the gae boy have a point, but anyways (Y/N) you coming to the sleepover?

Fresh Meat

Nah. I'm busy sorry.

I don't think I can bear to see Millie again after last time....after that kiss. After knowing that all she wants to do is be friends, when all I want is to be with her, kiss her, love her.

You ready for Millie's POV!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sat with Sadie and we're watching a romance and I can't take it anymore! "SADIE I LIKE (Y/N) BUT SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME THE SAME WAY!".

Oh crap.

She looks at me grinning, "Noah and I were talking about you two. You know she really likes you?"
"She doesn't, she just wants to be friends that occasionally make out with each other..."

"Look if you really want to get over her then....text Jacob again... I'm sure he'll take you back, maybe he can keep your mind off her."

I think for a minute. What shit am I about to get myself into.


Hhhheeeeeyyyy Jacob


Mills! Is that really you?!?!


I want to get back together


I missed you ;)


Yeah..missed you 2

AGHHHHH WHAT DID I JUST DO. I turn to Sadie, "We're together again, guess I gotta tell the fans now...and (Y/N)...

Whoops back in (Y/N) POV

I glance at my phone and a tear finds its way falling down my cheek. She has a boyfriend. She doesn't want me, how could I ever let myself think she did. I call Noah and tell him to come over. Now.

I hear a knock on the door and I run down. Noah walks in and hugs me as I sob. I guess he knows how I secretly like Millie more than friends and am depressed because she has a partner and its not me...

Well, at least I have someone to cry with.

We go to my room, I have my duvet over my head and am curled up in a tiny ball as Noah paces around my room. "I don't understand....she hated Jacob....she obviously likes you....why would she be with him?"

I sigh, "Don't bother, I just..she obviously doesn't like me."

Noah pulls the duvet off me and I scream. He laughs, "Come on, we're making you look amazing and Millie will come begging to be with you! And the person with the best style here is the gay boy...Finn Wolfhard."

I groan as Noah calls Finn. He runs into my room only minutes later, "I KNEW YOU LIKED HER!".

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Just get me an outfit." He pulls out multiple outfits, "Alright, so knowing Millie she won't want you going overboard but she'll like it if you're looking pretty". And blah blah.

Alright. Time to go to Millie's house and tell her I like her.

What shit am I about to get myself into.

Noah and Finn both hug me. "It's gonna be great" they reassure me.

After they leave I go to Millie's house....oh god.

I knock on her door.


"I don't think that you should be dating Jacob."

"Why?" she asks, shocked. AGH I'm ruining everything.

"He's not good for you! He cheated! There are others that will take so much more care of you!"

She looks at me, she's crying. OH GOD WHAT DID I DO.


"Don't talk to me!"

And the door slams in my face, and I fall to my knees, sobbing.

Millie's POV(Again!)

She's right. Jacob's not good for me, but I need to get over her somehow...Why is love so complicated. Why did I slam the door on her! Tears stream down my face. I'm an idiot! I'm an actual idiot! The worst thing is...I can hear her crying. I hate it. I hate that she can do this to me, that she can make me feel thinks nobody has ever made me feel.

I want to be with her. I want to kiss her. I want her to be mine. I fall to the floor, aching with all my heart to be with her, but I can't gather the strength to open the goddamn door and go and be with her, because I'm weak, I've had my heart broken before and I don't want it happening again! But deep inside I know she would never do that to me..(Y/N) would never hurt me as Jacob did...


Crap, I forgot Sadie was still here. She walks over and hugs me as I cry.
"Are you an idiot Millie! Can't you hear her cry outside! She likes you too! What are you doing in here crying your eyes out when you could be with her! Why do you think she cares so much about you being with Jacob! Isn't it obvious! Open the damn door and ask her yourself!"

(Y/N)'s POV

What's the point of sitting here any longer, she clearly doesn't want me. I pull myself up and gather all my strength. And the door opens slowly, I spin round and see her, her beautiful face, and her tears make me sadder. And then she asks me, gulping and trying to not cry more, "Why do you care if I'm with Jacob?"

Oh god...tears stream down my cheek, "Because...for god's sake! I fucking love you, Millie Bobby Brown!"

A/N - Wow. Tea and tears.

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