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Sadie goes red, "Well...-"

And thens he's cut of. "Saved by the bell" Noah whispers as my phone starts to ring. Calling me is none other than. (R/N). Well isn't this great. Everyone looks at me as I answer and put my phone on speaker.
"Hello?" I say slowly

"(Y/N)! I heard Millie broke up with you because of that photo! Do you want to get back together again?" she says quickly. Before I can say anything Sadie grabs my phone and runs of. "What the hell!" Noah screams while Millie and I look at Sadie. Something was going on. And I wanted to know what it was.

Sadie comes back seconds later with my phone but she had hanged up on (R/N). Millie frowns, "Sadie, what's going on.."

Noah screams, "SPilL tHE tEa sIS" as Sadie whispers, "(R/N)mighthave contactedmebecauseIwasfriendswithyou,(Y/N)andaskedmeifIcouldhelp splityoutwoupbutIcouldn'tdothattoyoutwososhesaidshestakingmattersintoherownhandsevenifitmeantheartbreak" she said really quickly so I can barely understand her.
Noah gasps and says, "tEA". Millie frowns and I feel like crying, "How could you not tell us!" I cry out.

Sadie looks upset, "I didn't want to get involved, she said she would gurt me if I told you two what she was planning.." she whispers.

"But you weren't bothered to risk something for your friends happiness.." Millie frowns. She starts to cry. OH no, Millie's sadness is my weak spot... I hug her as she cries and Noah gets up, "EVERYTHING TOO DEPRESSING! SADIE LEAVE! WE'RE WATCHING A FILM AND OF COURSE CALLING (Y/B/F)!" he screams. We are all shocked by Noah's sudden behaviour but follow. Noah texts (y/b/f) and she arrives just as Sadie is leaving. (Y/B/F) runs over and hugs me when she walks in. We stay hugging for a while before Noah shouts out, "Ok I know she's your best friend but you should still hug your boyfriend!"

We all laugh as (Y/B/F) goes and kisses Noah as Millie and I settle on the sofa. I turn on the peanuts movie as Noah glares at me. Maybe we can have fun and be happy for at least some part of the day...

A/N - I feel like crap because I'm sick but getting comments yesterday encouraged me to write. :) ALso would you prefer regular shorter chapters or longer but less regular chapters. 

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