Facing Facts and Fears

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You are 13 years old and live with your older brother, Nathan. Your biggest fear is the dentist but when your brother takes you to the one where one of your favourite celebrities work, you try to put up a fight but it gets you nowhere.

Your P.O.V.

It was 3am. I had woken up with a stabbing pain in the back of my mouth. Yesterday, it had been fine and I had completely forgotten about it. As I lay in bed clutching my jaw, the pain seemed to intensify and I came to the realisation that unless I was able to hide this from Nathan I was going to be dragged to the fiery depth if hell. That is not gonna be easy; he's so over protective. I practically crawled from by bed and into the bathroom while feeling around since it was so dark. I turned on the light in the bathroom and as quietly as possible, closed the door. Luckily, I was just tall enough to reach the emergency pain relief we kept in the cabinet above the sink.

After taking two, with some difficulty, I turned off the light and headed back to my room but as I did I walked into a human wall. I swear the dude is a werewolf. I was being as quiet as possible. "Y/N," he sounded worried. I can't believe I was about to lie to him. "What's wrong?" His finger flicked the switch in the hallway and he crouched down to my level. His black, unruly hair hung in his face and he chewed on his lip ring while waiting for me to reply. "Oh ummm," a searing pain filled my whole head and face and brought my hand back to the side of my face. Shit. I quickly pretended to itch my face hoping he would buy it. "I needed a drink." He gave me skeptical look as he spoke. "Hmmm alright then, come on, back to bed." Nate walked me to my room.

He gently tucked me in and said goodnight before leaving and knocking off the hallway light and going back to his bedroom. I passed out at about 5 am, only to be woken an hour later by Nate. The pain had subsided slightly so at least that was something. Using any energy I could find, I climbed out of bed and began getting ready for the day. First, a quick, cool shower was in order to wake myself up; then I cautiously brushed and flossed my teeth and finally dressing in my Pierce The Veil crew-neck from their Halloween collection; a pair of tight, ripped, black skinnies;  putting a plethora or wrist-bands and bracelets on both arms and finishing it off with some worn-out grey converse. I grabbed my hair brush and brushed it out before quickly styling it the best I could. I skipped downstairs and grabbed a banana off the bench. Thankfully, Nathan was in the living room so I ate it as slowly as I needed to in the kitchen. Before I knew it, I was leaving with bags to go to school.

*               *               *

School had been pretty crap thanks to my lack of sleep. I had been sent to the nurses office because I looked unwell and ended up napping there through my first two lessons. I refused to go home so I suffered through the rest of the day just waiting for the final bell. When it finally rang, I ran out of the school and through the gates. Sweet fucking freedom. As I made my way down the street, a car pulled over onto the curb in front of me. It was my brother. He ordered me to get in and well due to the pain in my mouth, which was worse than it had been at 3am, I didn't argue and simply obeyed, which caused him to frown. Normally, I would argue back over the smallest things.

The car pulled off the side and we began the drive home. Or so I thought. A few minutes later, our car came to a halt outside of the dentist. There are a million places I would rather be right now and here is not one of them. I hated the dentist and was absolutely petrified of the place. Not to mention, this is where Tony Perry and Mike Fuentes from Pierce worked. Just my fucking luck; I was wearing their merch. "Come on kiddo," my brothers voice echoed through my head as he got out of the car, followed by me. Wow I was following him. He took my hand gently and lead me in. The waiting room was pretty much empty, which surprised me a lot. We headed up to the desk to see the receptionist. She had short blonde hair; round Harry Potter-style glasses and a few tattoos. It was Alysha. Mike's girlfriend.

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