But Daddy!

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Imagine for Alex_Madagaskarth

You are 8 years old and terrified of the dentist. Your dad Calum is one and you're booked in to get your first ever tooth pulled because you cracked it while eating an apple.

Hunter's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my room trying to learn bass. I wanted to like my dad when I grew up and he told me I had to practice as much as I could. While I was playing the beginning of "Babylon", the door swung open and my dad poked his head around it. I giggled. "Daddy you're a floating head," I said with a smile. He chuckled a little.

"The song is sounding good princess," he said as he came and sat beside me. "I was thinking why don't we head to Hot Topic and get you some new badges to decorate the strap with?" I looked at him with wide eyes. I loved Hot Topic, which apparently is odd for an 8 year old. "Yes please daddy!" I gently set my bass aside.

I pulled on my favourite pair of Vans and ran to the car. "Hurry up daddy!" I excitedly giggles while bouncing a little. He appeared in the doorway and unlocked the car so I could get in. I climbed I to the passengers side and watched as my he got in the drivers side.

*               *               *

I frowned. "Daddy this isn't Hot Topic This is your clinic!" He gave me a sympathetic smile. I forgot to mention earlier but while he is in a band he also works as a dentist, the one thing I hated the most. "I know princess but Uncle Ash is gonna be there and so will Uncle Mikey and Uncle Lukey. We're all gonna look after you I promise." He got out of the car and came round to my side.

"Nooooooooo!" I whined with tears burning in my eyes. He scooped me up out of the car and bounced me gently. "Daddy I don't wanna go," I let a single tear slip. "I know baby doll, I'm sorry." He carried me I to the clinic and took me straight to a room where we were greeted by the others.

"Hey Cal, I take it she didn't take it too well?" Uncle Ashy said. He shook his head and sat me in the chair. I cried harder. "No daddy please it's too scary I don't like it!" The look on his face said it all. He felt bad he hated seeing me upset. Within seconds he had scooped me back up and holding me to his chest.

"It's gonna be okay princess I won't hurt you I promise you can sit on daddy's knee for the first part okay?" I nodded and buried my head into his neck in an attempted to stifle my sobs. He sat down in the chair with me on his lap and began rubbing soothing circles on my stomach. I tensed up as the chair was lowered back and a bib was put over me.

Ashton moved the light over my mouth. "Hey relax princess I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." My daddy whispered softly in my ear. I relaxed a little. "Daddy I want you to do it," I whined starting to feel more anxious. "Okay love well you wanna sit on Ashton's knee instead or someone else's?" I thought and looked over at Michael.

"Uncle Mikey." I mumbled softly into his neck. He nodded and swapped with him. Michael wrapped his arms tightly around me. I watched as my dad scrubbed up and put on a mask and gloves. He looked different. The kind of different that freaked me out. He sat on the stool behind me. "Alright sweetheart, I'm just gonna look first." I nodded slowly wanting nothing more than to run. "Alright open for me baby cakes," he said softly. I complied but only because I wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Daddy looked around for the tooth then swabbed the area with numbing gel using a Q-tip. After a minute or so he spoke up. "Alright sweetie this is the worst part so I want you to close your eyes." I closed my eyes as he'd said and felt his thumb guide my mouth open. I tensed up and whined as I felt a sharp scratch near the tooth.  "Shhh sweetie you're okay," I heard Michael whisper as he rubbed soothing circles in my stomach like my dad had done previously. A few tears slipped out and rolled down my cheeks.

When I opened my eyes, the worst part was done but they were blood shot from the crying. Luke came over and gently wiped away the tears while Ashton rubbed circles in the back of my hand. I looked up at my dad hoping he would make it all stop. "We're nearly done princess," he whispered softly.

*              *               *

We were now all sat in my living room. I was curled up on my dad's knee. The gauze made my cheeks puff out so swallowing was a bit harder than usual but I had tissues on standby just in case. "Is my little hamster feeling any better?" My dad said softly as he held my close. I nodded a little. "You think you're ready for the boys to put on a mini show?" I nodded again and began to smile.

Moments later, I was sat cuddled into my dad while my three uncles put on a show. Honestly, it was the highlight of my day and I couldn't wait until I went to Hot Topic tomorrow to get the pins.

A/N please excuse spelling mistakes. I only have 3 left to write and once I'm done I will update this once a month but I am also currently working on other stuff :)

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