5 Seconds Of Torture

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Imagine for elbaa99_

You are Michael Clifford's little sister, one day he notices something about the way you were eating and tricks you into going to his friends' clinic. Even though you are terrified you obey and despite your best attempts you can't escape.

Elba's P.O.V.

I was sitting with Mikey with a frozen water bottle on my face. It was summer it just too hot. "Hace muy calor," I groaned quietly since every word sent shooting pains up my mouth. I had been taking Spanish at school since I was 5 and saying phrases aloud helped me retain them. I was very thankful it was hot because it meant I had a reason to hold the bottle to my face. "Hey sis," my brother spoke as he adjusted the cap on his head. "Why don't we go get ice cream then head to the park since it's so nice out?" I smiled and jumped to my feet. "I'll take that as a yes then." He said with a chuckle as he grabbed his car keys. We headed out to the car and I climbed into the front seat on the passenger's side as Mikey got into the driver's side.

* * *

We pulled up outside of a building a little while later. This wasn't the ice cream store. Shit He tricked me. He knew. Of course he knew. As I climbed out of the car, I contemplated making a run for it but before I could even turn in the other direction, he spoke up. "Don't go getting sny ideas now sis." He took my hand and lead me into the clinic where we were greeted by a very happy and smiley Calum. "Hey Cal," my brother spoke. "Hey Mikey, hey Elba." I gave him a small, sad, smile. "Hey don't be upset sweetie it's for the best." He gave me a sympathetic smile as he handed Mikey the paperwork to fill in. As I waited, the seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like days. As the time ticked on, I felt like I was awaiting my death. "Alright then, follow me." Calum said as Mikey handed the paperwork back.

Reluctantly, I followed them both down the hallway. I tried to focus my thoughts on different things but it was no use. I tried thinking of the sky but that was blue and the same colour as Cal's light blue scrubs. I tried thinking about my Spanish lessons but we were currently learning about professions and this was a medical profession. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed that I had sat now in the large, leather seat in the centre of the room. I went to get up but a gentle hand was placed on my shoulder holding me back. "I'm just gonna take some x-rays while we wait for Ash and Luke, alright hun." I nodded helpless. Mikey held my hand while his friend set up.

A heavy, lead vest was put over me to protect me from the radiation of the x-ray machine. "Open for me sweetheart," Cal mumbled softly. I opened as placed a gloved hand on my chin and carefully placed the cardboard tab in my mouth. "Bite down love." I carefully bit down, flinching in pain as I did.

Calum and Mikey left the room and a button was pressed letting off a high pitched beep. After repeating the process a few times, the worst part had finally arrived. The lead vest was taken off of my frame and Luke entered with Ash following closely behind him. I was so relieved to see Luke, we were the closestout of the three of my brother's friends. "Don't be nervous cherub, I'm just gonna check your x-rays and we'll take it from their." Luke said reassuringly. He walked over to the computer and looked them over. "Cal, Ash, Mikey, c'mere." They walked over to him and I heard whispering. My stomach tightened.

The tall blond walked over to me. "Alright princess, we're gonna have to remove your wisdom teeth." My face drained of all colour and I felt nauseous. I jumped out of the sea and ran to the door. Shit. Locked. Luke gently took my hand and lead me back to the chair. He sat me down softly. "It's okay sweetheart we're gonna take really good care of you I promise."

My mouth was dry. Being unable to speak I just nodded. "I'll get her some water," Calum said as he left the room, only to return a few moments later with a plastic cup. He passed it to me and I quickly downed the full cup. "There we go hun," the boy said as he threw away my cup. I watched as Luke and Ashton washed their hands and put on blue latex gloves. They placed masks over their noses and mouths and pulled them under their chins. "Hey sis would you rather sit on my knee?" Mikeysaid calmly. I nodded quickly, hating the feel of the leather beneath me.

He scooped me up and sat in my place. I lay on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist comfortingly. "It's a pretty easy procedure, we'll get your mouth numb first then we'll take out your teeth rinse your mouth and you'll be all done," Luke stated softly. I nodded as the chair was put back. Ash put a bib around my neck and passed me a pair of sunglasses to wear. Calum too my hand as Ash rolled up behind me on a stool. "Alrighty," he said as he placed his mask over his face adjusted it. "I'm gonna do numb you up and Luke is gonna do the rest sweetie."

I nodded again since I was too scared to speak. I heard metal being hit off metal and saw the light being adjusted. "Okay princess open up for me," I parted my lips slowly. I felt his gloved hands guide my mouth open delicately. A Q-tip, with a cold jelly, was placed in each of the four corners of my mouth and allowed to sit for a few minutes. "Now for the worst part. You're gonna get two shots for each tooth."

I swallowed hard and shook my head. I tried to pull free from Mikey's grip but I couldn't. "Hey hey calm down hun" i heard Luke's voice. "Tell you what, we'll give you some nitrous oxide to relax you more, just a low concentration." He wheeled over a machine and gently placed a mask over my face. "Just breathe normally love." I did. I took normal breaths but my eyes were growing heavy. The mask was removed and the last thing I remember was my brother kissing my cheek and whispering. "Brave girl" in my ear.

*              *             *

I woke up at home, in my bed, with Michael sitting beside me. My face hurt, my mouth was filled with cotton gauze and I was really hungry. I sat up a little. "Hey sleepy head, nice to see you awake." I groaned quietly and leaned against him as I fell once again back to sleep.

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